Chapter 19

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(Will's P.O.V.)

James was up to something. He wanted to know about me. He wanted to gain my trust. It wasn't going to be easy for him.

"Why are you suddenly interested in getting to know me" I inquired.

"I guess since we have to live in close proximity I wanted to get to know the people around me" James replied.

"I don't get it".


"You must want something out of this" I said.

"I want nothing".

"You and I both know that what you say isn't true. You want something" I said.

"I want to have a family".

"If you can gain my trust then you'll have one" I said. He got up and left the room. A few minutes later Steve came in.

"I don't see any blood so I assume that you handled it" he stated. I nodded.

"What did he want".

"I thought that you guys were watching us from the lab" I said.

"JARVIS gave us the audio feed. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't kill each other".

"I get that you guys were worried, but he didn't come here to kill me and if he did, then he would have his first scar".

"At least you tried to be nice".

"Yeah, but I'm still never going to trust him".

"I know".

My door was open and that was when I saw James. He was going into the room across from mine. The one that was empty.

"Dad what is he doing" I asked.

"I don't know Will" Steve got up "son what are you doing".

"I'm moving across the hall from you sis" James replied.

"Tony" I muttered. I got up and headed for the lab.

"Hey Will, long time no see" Tony said.

"Why is he moving into the room across from me" I demanded.


"My brother genius. He must have gotten the okay from one of you people".

"Pepper didn't want him sleeping in that cell and she was tired of him sleeping on the couch, so we gave him a room" Tony explained.

"But you could have given him an entire floor. Why would you put him on the same floor as me and Cap".

"Look, you and Cap have shared that floor for almost a year because you're related. Like it or not James is your family and you should live on the same floor" Tony said "and I know that if he tries anything, then you'll do something about it".

I turned and left the lab. I just missed Bruce. He would have understood my situation. Bruce would have left James in that cell where he couldn't hurt anyone. Sadly Bruce was gone and we still hadn't gotten that post card from Fiji.

I headed for the gym. I beat a punching bag until my hands bled. I sank to the floor. This was going to be the hardest thing that I would have to face.

I got up and went to an empty floor. I put my back to the wall and sank to the floor. I wiped my hands on my jeans trying to get them to stop bleeding. It Steve saw me now he'd give this while long lecture about trying to be nice to my brother and not just taking my anger out on a punching bag.
I got up. I was leaving the tower; I just couldn't be there anymore.

"Will wait" James was jogging after me.

"What" I didn't stop walking. I was finally out of the tower.

"Look I know that I'm probably the last person you want to see right now" James started.

"You got that right" I muttered.

"But you can't go out by yourself" he finished.

"And why not".

"Because it's not safe".

"Oh yeah like going to my friends house is dangerous".

"Look I just don't think that you should be walking alone".

"When did you start caring about me" I stopped and turned around.

"I don't I just don't think that one should be alone in your current state".

I continued walking. I was going to Central Park.

"I'm fine on my own, thank you very much and why do you care if I'm alone or not. You didn't do anything did you".

"I didn't do anything" James put his hands up in surrender.

"Then leave me alone" I had gone into a more wooded area.

"No. What if something happened to you, who would go get help".

"I know how to defend myself" a dart shot past my face "stay low".

"Wait why".

"We don't know who shot that dart now do we" I spat.

"I'll go get some help".

"No stay here. I might need you to use your powers".

"I've never used y powers in combat".

"I know, but if I use mine we risk destroying Central Park".

"Fine" James stood up and started forming a ball of ice in his hands.

A dart embedded itself in his neck and he collapsed. The ball of ice fell to the ground and shattered.

"Damnit" I muttered. I formed a ball of fire in my hand.

"Who's there" I demanded.

"You and Ouroboros are going home Ragnarok" someone said and a dart was shot into my neck. I fell to my knees and blacked out.

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