Chapter 12

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Again if you have not seen the season three winter finale (the episode titled Maveth) of Agents of SHIELD and don't want any spoilers then go watch that episode and come back and read this.
I landed on hard ground. It was dark and everything had a blue tint. The person laying next to me was Coulson. He had been the dark figure that went through the portal.

"Coulson. Coulson get up" I whispered. He rolled over and looked shocked.

"Will you're not supposed to be here" he said.

"Daisy called me in and I came through the portal to protect Fitz. Ward won't be happy to see me here. He ordered me to stay behind" I explained. My hands were still bound so I set the rope on fire. Coulson helped me up and examined my wrists.

"When we get out of here I'll have Simmons treat that" he referred to the gashes around my wrists.

"I'm fine Coulson, but we need to go find Fitz before that creature does" I stated.

"Wait you need a weapon" he said.

"Coulson I am a weapon" I said.

"Then why do have something sticking out of your boot".

"That's my phone" I pulled it out to check the time. It was around eight back on Earth. I wasn't sure what time it was here though. I didn't have a signal so I couldn't call Clint or Peter to let them know where I was, but I could take pictures.

After walking for what seemed like hours we ran into Ward and some of his Hydra agents. Coulson killed the other two agents and also shot Ward.

"You'll never find Fitz without me" he said.

"Fitz is a smart guy. He'll find a way out" Coulson replied.

"He'll be dead within the hour" Ward said "that creature can smell blood and Fitz is bleeding".

Coulson punched Ward across the jaw. "Now you're bleeding too. Get up you're leading the way".

Ward slowly stood up and we started walking again. "I thought I told you to stay behind" Ward said.

"I had to protect Fitz" I stated bluntly. Ward went on to explain why he joined Hydra when Coulson shot Ward in the chest.

"That felt pretty good to me" Coulson stated.

"We're part of something greater here" Ward tried to explain.

"Just keep walking".

Coulson pauses after a while to see how much longer we had until the portal opened. "We need to move faster" he said.

"We could go faster if you hadn't shot me twice" Ward retorted. We started walking again until we came across Fitz fighting with another man. Coulson shot at that other man. Ward punched me across the jaw and then tried to tackle Coulson.

The portal was opening and Ward and Coulson were in a fist fight. I rushed down to help Fitz take down that other man. Nothing seemed to be able to stop him. I used my powers to shake the ground preventing the man from getting up.

"Fitz use a flare gun" I yelled. I produced a flame in my hand. I fried at the man and so did Fitz. The man fell and started burning to ashes.

"Coulson the portal's closing we have to go. Just leave him" Fitz yelled. Coulson was standing above Ward and looked ready to kill.

Coulson bent down and started crushing Ward's rib cage. Then Ward went limp and Coulson walked over to us after taking off his prosthetic hand.

We had gone through the portal to meet Daisy and Mack. They rushed us into a pod to be taken to the air base. We rode in silence, but when we met the aircraft we were met with May, Bobbi, Hunter, Simmons and a few other people I didn't recognize.

I stood by the entrance of the pod while the others embraced each other. I was relived that Ward was dead. That was just one less person for me to worry about.

"Will it's good to see you again" Daisy said wrapping me in a hug. I tensed at the act.

"Hi Daisy" I said.

"Here let me clean you up" Simmons said. She led me to an infirmary area and cleaned my wounds.

"Ward is dead" I stated.

"Will that's a good thing, but you don't sound happy".

"I was thinking about how that creature took over that man after he died. That could mean that it took over Ward's body" I stated. Simmons looked uncomfortable talking about that other man.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much Will" she said. We went back to where the others were.

"So Will, what did you think about that other planet" Hunter asked.

"It was cold and dark and I had to work with Ward, so I hated it" I said flopping down in a chair. I was exhausted.

"Will it's been like two days you should call your family" Bobbi said.

"I know. Do you by any chance have a change of clothes" I asked. My new suit was covered in dirt and blood.

Bobbi went to find me a change of clothes while I called Clint.

"Hello" he yawned.

"Hey Clint. We just finished up at SHIELD and I should be heading home soon" I stated.

"Okay Will see you in a few hours" Clint hung up. Bobbi came back with some spare clothes and led me to a place where I could change.

I sat down and thought about everything that had happened in the last twenty hours.

I had walked into a trap, went through a portal to another planet, seen several people die and felt a little closure for all of my pain.

"Hey are you ready to go" Bobbi came into the room. I nodded and followed her to a jet. She and Hunter had decided to take me back to the tower.

"So when we drop you off at the tower are we allowed to come in with you" Hunter asked.

"If you want to meet the Avengers the answer is no. It's been really hectic around the tower and you might give away Coulson's secret. The only one that knows that Coulson's alive is Clint" I explained.

"Fine then. Are you excited for Christmas, I mean what kid isn't excited for Christmas" he said.

"I don't know what to expect. It is my first Christmas after all" I stated.

"What. Did Hydra have no heart. They deprived a little child of Christmas. That just isn't right" he exclaimed.

"Eh. Those scientists were heartless and cold and they also worked with Ward and Strucker so it really isn't a surprise" I brushed it off like it was no big deal.

"Oh" Hunter sat back. I leaned back and passed out.

"Will get up your home" Bobbi was shaking me.

"Get off. I'm up" I mumbled. I grabbed my suit and headed down the ramp of the jet.

"I'll probably see you guys in a few months" I stated before going inside.

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