Important A/N (Recap)

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Okay, so the ending if the last chapter was never saved... So here's what happened basically...

Work went well at Lousia's Boutique.

It was revealed that Mike used to have anger issues but the family helped. It isn't completely gone and he is sometimes bullied because of it but now has managed to control it most if the time. It was revealed because he lost control for some time and Julian had to calm him down.

There was a little fun, shooting hoops with Kade, kicking around a soccer ball with James.

Speaking of James, he convinced Kelly to agree to a truce. With the occasional prank.

At the very end, she collapsed into bed after a long day.

I'm so so so sorry for not updating for a while.

Teaser: Idk yet... We'll see.

Update: Probably today :)

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