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I ran towards the touchdown line. I was almost there. 2 meters, 1.

"Touchdown!" I yelled, falling into the grass after I jumped past the line.

Mike and James groaned in defeat as Julian whooped.

"Nice job sis!" Yelled Julian, running over to me.

We had been playing football at the park by our house for hours. Well, I call it a park but really it's a tiny playground with a soccer and football field. I got up, and Julian high-fived me. I slapped his hand and went to sit next to Kade on the iron bench. He held out my water bottle, and when I reached to grab it, he smirked and pulled it out of my reach. I groaned, but was too tired to fight for it. Instead I grabbed his and took a couple swigs.

"Hey!" He whined.

I laughed. "That's what you get."

He stuck his tongue out at me and the other boys joined us. We grabbed our stuff, me grabbing my duffel with my towel, water bottle, and clothes. We all turned the way to go home and started walking.

"That's it." Said James. "I get Kel on my team next time."

I laughed. "Excuse me?"

"Nope, she's mine." Said Julian, putting my in a headlock and rubbing my head with his knuckles.

I felt my hair swish.

"Let go!" I demanded.

They all laughed. When Julian finally let go, I put my hair into a high ponytail, and handed James my duffel. He took it, and I jumped on Julian's back. He grabbed my legs and spun around, making me lose my grip. I regained it though, and he sighed.

"Fine." He grumbled.

I pumped my fist in the air, and he took his chance. He swung me to the side that I was gripping and I fell of. He caught me, barely, and put me down. I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at them as they laughed. James held out my duffel and I took it, swinging it over my shoulder. We got home and went inside. My dad was sitting on the edge of the couch, and a bill sat on the table. Uh oh. I hid behind Julian, but my father had already spotted me.

"Kelly Jane Cooper." He boomed. "You've crossed the line this time."

He handed me the bill, which turned out to be my credit card bill. It read $3,548. I gasped.

"Yeah. You're going to pay that off. All of it." He said more grumpily than angrily.

Yes we are rich. But my parents never spend it. They don't buy us a big mansion, or fancy cars. We have a nice house with nice cars nothing more. My parents could easily pay for this, but they were trying to teach me a lesson. I understood.

I nodded. "I don't want to. But I suppose I will."

He nodded approvingly then turned to the boys. I took this as my chance to escape. I went up the stairs, and into my room. I changed from my workout tanktop and shorts into a pair of night top Jean shorts with 3 big buttons going up each side, and a bag white t-shirt tucked in. I took off my shoes and brushed my hair. I looked at the clock. 5 pm. My dad probably went back to work, so I went downstairs. I was right. My dad had gone and my brothers were sitting on the couch. (When I say brothers, it includes Kade.) I sat down between the arm of the couch and Kade, throwing my legs over his, my feet landing on James' lap. They were watching Phineas and Ferb. I laughed.

"Really guys?" I asked.

James turned to me. "What's wrong with Phineas and Ferb?"

"Oh nothing, just that it's a show for 10 year olds and younger." I said sarcastically.

They all gasped and turned to me.

"Excuse me?" Asked Julian. "I beg to differ."

"Oh look who learned a new word." I teased.

"That's it." He said standing up.

I screamed a little, and hid behind Kade. But it was no use. Julian picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He took me into the kitchen and laid me out on the island. James and Kade held me down. Julian and Mike began pulling out sundae toppings from the fridge. Uh oh. Julian took the whip cream, and squirted it all over my face, covering every inch, and probably getting some in hair. Kade grabbed the cherries, and began smearing a few on my nose. Mike joined in with blueberries, and James with chocolate syrup. Why oh why did I have such vicious brothers? Why couldn't that have just thrown me into the pool, or hit me with a pillow, or tickled me? They just had to go this far. I was soo gonna get them back for this.


Bit of a cliffhanger there, but I had to end the chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I was feeling creative.

Up top is James played by Devin Bostick. Check it out!

Teaser: Alanna and Calissa.

Update: Maybe later today. Not sure. Probably today or tomorrow.


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