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I will now proceed to tell you about some of the greats, the greatest on Watt Pad!
Ok well let's just say after reading one of her stories, I believe I started with "Vice and Virtue" I was so impressed with her that I followed her immediately then proceeded to read all her other works that she had here on Watt Pad, that would include the Ollie Vance stories, "At the Crossing", "When Stars Burn" (not complete but wonderful so far!) , and well all of her works! Her characters are usually very believable, charming and soon become my besties!! Seriously you need to read her work! She will one day have her stories published and living the high life on tour and signings lol she is that good in my opinion!

(Note: I must say right here before I continue to give you my opinions on must reads or .... To say that I may mention stories that have already been removed due to being published or ?? In that case I apologize I am only looking in my library and writing my reviews based on books I have read. I follow many of the authors but don't always follow the news and happenings on daily basis because I am here to read and escape through the stories not on the life of the author so again forgive me if I give outdated info! Thanks now let's move on! )

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