07 | These Violent Delights

Start from the beginning

"Someone wants you." he grimaced and turned on his heels. Across the lot, the muscular young man with jet black hair and a bright white smile leaned against his burnished black motorcycle.

"Bella!" he waved. They exchanged smiles as Jacob jogged over to meet them halfway. He hugged her, nodded benevolently at Edward – who did the same – and turned to Adele.  "Hey, I'm Jacob Black."

"Adele. It is a pleasure to meet you." Edward rolled his eyes upon as he noticed Jacob's fondness for her.

He turned to Bella again as she examined him from head to toe with an expression of bewilderment, "God, Jacob, what are they feeding you on that rez – steroids? You're huge."

"Wouldn't seem so drastic if you came around more." he replied sullenly.

Adele murmured, "I told you." and received a silent glare from the girl in return.

Bella turned back to Jacob and nodded, "I will, soon. But isn't your school, like, ten miles that way?" she pointed east.

Jacob held up a car part in his hand, "Just here buying this for the Rabbit. I'm almost done with the rebuild. You gotta come take a ride when it's done." and as if he just remembered, (though Adele knew he was building up to it), "Oh and hey, happy birthday. Your dad told my dad, so..." he reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small dream catcher with tan feathered, blue beads – the whole package. He gave it to her with a sheepish smile, "I saw it the other day and thought of you. It catches bad dreams."

Edward turned to Adele jokingly, "You could use one of those."

She turned on her heels and glared murderously at him – he had no idea. "Edward Masen, bring that up again and I will castrate you." That shut him right up.

"This, I need." Bella chuckled as she tried to return to the topic at hand. Jacob grinned at Adele – he liked this girl so much more already. "It's great."

Edward glances back at the school, "The bell's about to ring." and he looked very bemused by the honeyed smile and hateful look Jacob sent his way.

"Ooh look at you, all psychic."

"I don't have that particular gift." he retorted sarcastically and Bella elbowed him in the ribs, "But I can read a watch. I'm clever that way."

Adele bit her tongue. Jacob and Edward exchanged more forced smiles before Bella smartly interceded in the silent glaring war. "Bye Jake – and thank you." They embraced once more before parting ways and as Jacob returned to his motorcycle, they made their way into the building.

"How come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I don't?" Edward questioned his mundane girlfriend crossly.

"He's just a friend." But I don't think Jacob thinks so...

"Friends don't spend two weeks looking for the perfect dreamcatcher."

Bella scoffed, "Stop reading his mind if he bothers you so much."

"It's a little hard to tune out." he grumbled. Adele rolled her eyes as he looked back through the open doors and saw Jacob staring after them. This time both young men exchanged resentful glares.

Edward waited patiently as both women retrieved a few things from their lockers and as Bella closed the door to her locker Alice and Jasper Cullen approached them. It was with a smile that she presented Bella with a small wrapped gift, "Happy B–"Bella shushed her and Alice rolled her eyes and hugged her instead, whispering,"–Birthday."

Over Alice's shoulder, Jasper gave Bella a pleasant nod – it was his way of asking for forgiveness as he still didn't trust himself around her. She returned the smile and looked back at Alice with a sigh, "Alice, didn't I say no gifts?"

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