Chapter 5

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I sat on the swing of my family's front porch, reading a book.

My childhood home was a big, white Victorian home with a wraparound porch and two pillars on either side of the front door. It had a big yard that I played in with my sister when I was younger. It would be the house I would end up living in for the rest of my life.

I looked up from the book when I heard soft footsteps coming up the walkway. I froze when I saw Martha walking my way.

She stopped at the bottom of the stairs. We just looked at each other. She looked even more beautiful than when I first met her.

"Good morning, Mr. Robertson." She greeted first.

I smiled and placed my book beside me. "Good morning, Miss. Parilli."

Martha pointed at the swing. "May I sit down?"

"You most certainly can." I said and slid over, placing my book on my lap. The swing moved a bit when she sat down.

"Your home is beautiful." I have given her my address a few days earlier and now I guess was the perfect time for her to show up.

"Thank you. My father built it from scratch before I was born."

Martha looked around. "I can tell. It looks hand made. It always looks better when it's hand made."

"Why'd you stop by?" I asked.

"I can't just come and give you a surprise visit?"

I shook my head. "No. But usually people have a valid reason in all honesty."

"Well, I'm not like those people. I just wanted to see you."

"I wanted to see you too." I smiled at her.

"Then why didn't you?"

I shrugged. "I never found the right time."

She nodded. "So, now is the right time?"

I shrugged again. Another force of habit I have for when people ask me questions and I don't know how to answer right away. "I guess." We sat in silence for a moment. "Can I ask you something?"

Martha nodded. "Sure."

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Will you go out with me?"


"Please don't make me say it again."

She laughed at my comment. "Yes! About time!" She cheered and wrapped her arms around me into a hug. "I've been waiting for you to ask me."

"Why didn't you ask me?"

"Gender stereotypes' and such."

I smiled. "Then I guess we have ourselves a date. Want to see a movie and then go out to dinner?"

She smiled back. "That sounds lovely." She hugged me again.

I walked up to her house, nervous. This was my first date. I didn't want to mess it up. I took a deep breath before knocking on her front door.

The door was opened by her mother. "Hello, James."

"Hello, Mrs. Parilli."

She smiled at me. "Martha is just about finished. Come inside."

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