-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-

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She wasn't ready to face Vincent, wasn't ready to be around him, Glory's words started to sink in and Savannah felt slightly depressed, after all Vincent did say he would try to make her his slave instead, why was he hesitating? 

Savannah quickly finished all her rooms, there was only one left on the list and she dreaded it. Walking into Vincents room the familiar scent soothed Savannah's worries. She looked around and realized it was pretty clean, Taking Back Sunday began to play on her Ipod, and she looked around to see if anything needed to be cleaned.

A tap on her shoulder for the second time today alarmed Savannah, she slipped an ear bud out of one of her ears, Vincent smiled looking at her Ipod. "Whatcha doin?" He smirked. Savannah looked at him oddly. "Are you high?" Vincent looked horrified, "I'm pretty sure I don't smoke the plant, thank you very much" Savannah rolled her eyes, "Sorry" she muttered.

"I'm sorry, I should have helped you" Vincent's apology was so low Savannah almost didn't hear it. "It's fine, I have something I should tell you but first I want to know something" Vincent nodded telling Savannah to continue. :Um, I said I wouldn't mind having you as a master, but you haven't made any effort into making that happen, Glory was right" Savannah whispered the last part.

"What do you mean she was right?" Vincent questioned. "Nothing" Savannah quickly muttered. Vincent rolled his eyes and walked towards Savannah until she was against the wall, he put his hands on either side of her head. Savannah couldn't control her raspy breathing, the close proximity was enough to make her faint.

"You obviously really don't care, and you obviously don't want me as a slave..." Savannah trailed at the end. "You sound dissapointed, anyways I told you things are hard, but I do care, I mean, I uh," Vincent blushed faintly, his unhuman body wouldn't let it show much. 

"Aren't you too close, I doubt your girlfriend would approve of this close proximity" Savannah held her breathe and stopped the chuckle that wanted to force it's way out when she saw the look on Vincent's face.

"You ar everything I want, Cause you are everything I'm not" Vincent began to whisper the words to Savannah's Ipod. She blushed furiously, Was he just singing them? Or was he trying to actually say something? What does this mean? Before she could try to gather her thoughts he began again.

"I just wanna break you down so badly, Well I trip over everything you say" Savannah was going to open her mouth but Vincent put a finger to it. 

"You are red, violet red. You hollow out my hungry eyes, out my hungry eyes" Before he could continue Savannah quietly sang the next verse.

"And we lay, we lay together just not too close, too close"

Vincent began. "How close is close enough?"

"How close is it? Should we even be this close?" Savannah asked breaking their duet. The way Vincent looked at her made her heart flutter. Vincent inched extremely close to Savannah, their lips were inches apart. 

"However, we want" He whispered before pulling away abruptly. Savannah's breathe caught in her throat and her cheeks flamed.

"Vincent I need to tell you something" Savannah was back to business. "I need to ask something" He said before letting her talk he quickly jumped ot the question. "How did Glory know you were trying to be my slave?" Savannah rolled her eyes. "That's what I want to talk to you about, now shut up so I can" Savannah smiled as Vincent glared jokingly. 

"She stopped me in the hall earlier this morning, she said she wanted to talk, she basically told me to stay away that I was stupidd for thinking you cared, but she also told me she talked to Kent and that's how she found out that what he said had been true"

"Oh so she went to him for answers?" Vincent nodded his head in understanding.

"Vincent there's something else" Savannah said quickly. She looked at him nervously. "Her panties were in Kent's room when I cleaned it this morning" It was silent for a long time. Vincent just stared hard at Savannah. 

Savannah wasn't sure what he was thinking, she wasn't sure if she should break the silence, the tension was so thick in the room you could cut it with a knife, Savannah shuddered involuntarily.

"Vincent?" She finally asked. Vincent stormed up to her once again. "They can't be hers, they could be anyones" He snapped. Savannah flinched. "I'm not a liar and she admitted to them being hers, she even told me not to tell you about it" Savannah explained as calmly as she could.

"You're a liar, I knew you wanted me, But I didn't know you wanted me bad to the point where you would ruin my relationship, What is your problem you stupid human" Vincent opened his door and pushed Savannah out of his room.

"Were done here" He glared at her, Savannah began to get teary eyed. "I hate you" She whispered before walking away.

Vincent slammed his door shut. He didn't want to believe what Savannah said was true at the same time, she hadn't proved ot be like that at all, Should he have shoved her, That wasn't completely necessary was it. He glared at no one and punched his wall, frustration filled his lungs.

Vincent waited in his room, waited until Glory showed up, he had wanted answers and he would get them. Around nine a familiar blond showed up. "Hello baby" She cooed as she walked to him, kissing him. Vincent pushed her away gently, "Let's talk" Glory rolled her eyes.

"They aren't mine, she is just a brat" Vincent instantly knew Savannah had been telling the truth, Otherwise Glory wouldn't have jumped to that conclusion.

"How did you know I was going to ask about the panties in Kent's room" Glory's face was in horror and Vincent knew he had hit this one on the nail. "Vincent, I bumped into the slave girl on my way this morning, She really likes you, of course she would fill your head with this nonsense" 

Vincent glared at glory's explanation, he knew she was lying. Vincent and Glory had been together for almost a year he had two other issues where he found out she had been cheating, however Vincent hates to be alone, and always keeps her close because of that reason.

"Slave girl, has a name" Vincent glared. Glory rolled her eyes. "So you are firends with her?" Vicnent looked away. "I will give you answeres when I get answers" Vincent snapped. 

"Good luck with that" Glory snapped back. "Get out then" Vincent grabbed glory and shoved her out just as he had to Savannah.

Vincent's thoughts raced a million miles as he thought about everything. What had he done?

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