Chapter 52

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As soon as the laird made his announcement the hall cheered, they had faith their laird would slay the prisoner. Agneta saw the bloodlust in their faces as they started to clear the hall to return to the Bailey were Ian barked orders for the preparations to be made.
Lyle was dragged away, Agneta could only stare helpless lesson as they pulled at his chains.
"It shouldha been me" Jarod spoke beside her. She glanced at him briefly seeing the anger written on his face .
"Are ye so eager tah kill him yerself?" She asked coldly.
Jarod stared at his sister for a long moment "I doona share the same sentiment as ye sister" he replied sharply before turning to walk toward the Bailey.
"Come away Agneta, ye doona have te witness this fight" Willa said compassionately.
Agneta turned to Willa , there was sympathy in her friend's face and she appreciated the comfort "I would rather face this Willa. "
Willa nodded and went with Guy to join the rest. Agneta turned to watch Ian as he moved from the high table, she stood her ground as he approached her. The hall was simple tell empty except for the two of them. He grabbed her hands and held them in his own.
"There was no other way. As laird I have te take matters into my own hand. " he started to explain.
"Must ye fight him this day?" She asked looking at his tired and worn face.
"Tis best it be done now instead of giving someone else the chance te take his life."
She could see the turmoil on his face "Then it must be done" she replied squeezing his hands.
"You doona have te watch..."
"I would rather be there than hide away like a coward. I ken ye did this fer me and fer that I am grateful." She wrapped her arms around his waist and drew her head town to his chest. His arms came around her and held her for a brief moment . She could feel his relax in her arms as she poured her heart into that brief hug. They walked hand in hand out into the Bailey seeing the crowd had already gathered to watch the spectacle.
Ian turned to his wife and nodded briefly before going to the center of the ring that had formed around the Bailey. Angela walked to the front watching as Lyle was handed a sword. His chains had been removed but his arms were bloodied from cuts and there was a fresh bruise on his face.
The opponents faced each other as Ian bellowed "Lyle MacInnes prepare te defend yerself."
"I am not Lyle MacInnes, today ye fight with Brawn Macgraw" Lyle replied harshly. His face was set in determination as he faced the laird.
The battle started all cheered their Laird as Lyle had been felled to the ground but he easily recovered and continued to fight for his life. It was a fierce battle that left everyone spellbound. It was clear both men exhibited ..great strength and skill but someone had to loose. Both men were caked in dirt and sweat, as battle raged on. Ian had to admire the skill of this warior who refused to acknowledge his heritage but the anger within him was greater than his admiration. He had lost kin in the raid and among them his most trusted cousin Bram, whose severed head had treated him as he was marched into his keep.
Ian smashed his sword down on the warrior but his hard thrust was blocked by a swift maneuver that almost knocked the sword from his hand. He quickly pushed the man back but he came at Ian with the full force of his strength. It became a challenge to fight the savage blows until finally through one move his sword was finally knocked from his hand and he was felled to the ground.
Ian was stunned at the sudden attack, he eyed Lyle in surprise but the warrior stood his ground and as he watched Ian, he immediately threw his sword and stood chest heaving from the exertion of the fight. Without warning Jarod came forward and pointed his sword at Lyle's chest. The man just stood there and faced his brother.
"This fight isna over!" Jarod barked.
Ian stood, grasping his sword from the ground he quickly stayed Jarrod's hand from plunging into the man's chest.
"Aye it is!" Ian replied roughly "stay yer blade MacInnes, whatever family squabble ye may have can be settled outside of  this keep.  The man has won his freedom."
The crowned was silent but there were a few disgruntled whispers as the Laird ordered for the crowd to disperse. Agneta ran into the center positioning herself between Lyle and Jarod.
"He won Jarod, let him be" she commanded her brother, her face set in determination as she eyed her twin. Tristan hobbled beside her and faced Jarod.
"Let him be brother" Tristan said finally.
Jarod lowered his sword eyeing Lyle with distaste "Ye may have won yer freedom this time but ye are no welcomed in my clan." He stated firmly.
"I doona plan on returning" Lyle replied, his face set with conviction.
Jarod snorted turning away from his siblings he marched back into the keep.
Agneta turned to Lyle, feeling heavy at their unresolved differences."Ye must find a way te make peace with him fer mam." She said finally looking into his face.
Lyle looked to Agneta before turning to Tristan he then said  "Yer arm should heal. I didna break yer sword arm".
Tristan nodded in agreement.
"Ye've won yer freedom Macgraw, now take yerself out of my keep and doona come back. " Ian said sternly eying the warrior.
As Lyle turned to leave Agneta called out to him "Lyle wait!"
He turned to look into her face, his expression a guarded mask "Ye must cease from addressing me as such, the name is Brawn Macgraw. The man ye kenned as Lyle is no longer."
Agneta's heart was heavy as she heard him spill out his bitterness. She desperately wanted to build the bridge that would one day lead him back to his clan, after all she was partly responsible for his departure. "Please doona leave things like this ye still have yer family."
"Ye heard him, I have no clan tah return te. Perhaps it's was meant tah be, I never felt I belonged there anyway. The road suits me fine." He replied stoically.
"What about mam and Mairi?" Agneta asked, she was satisfied to see his guard drop for a brief moment before it returned back.
Brawn Macgraw shrugged his shoulders.
"In time then? Will ye let me keen yer wereabouts that I might tell mam" she pleaded.
He looked at her for a long moment as if committing her face into his memory "Perhaps in time." He nodded his head toward Ian before he turned his backed and walked away.
Ian wrapped his arm around Agneta's shoulders as they watch the man Brawn Macgraw disappear from the bailey out of the keep's main gate.
"Did ye let him win?" Agneta asked finally, the question had been burning in her mind since she saw Ian felled to the ground.
"Nay" Ian shook his head managing a lopsided grin "He has the skill of a seasoned warrior, he took me down fair and square. " Ian turned to his wife "Tell me true Agneta if I had driven the blade through his heart would ye have forgiven me?"
She could sense from his question the apprehension but she already knew in her heart what her answer would be "Of course Ian, without a doubt I would have forgiven ye. My heart and my loyalty belongs with ye and this clan."
She saw the light shine in his eyes as his lips met hers in s deep kiss "I love ye true Agneta MacTaggart" he whispered against her lips.
"And I ye Ian MacTaggart" she pulled his head down for another deep kiss.
Agneta had finally found her home as she realized that her life was forever to be entwined with Ian MacTaggart.

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