chapter 16

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This chapter is for my friend taylor who is rushing me to get this book updated lol

David and I walked o to the field to skip our next few classes so after talking I went with AJ to get some papers from my dads. I went to the hospital my dad owns and went up to his office.

"Daddy are you here" I asked stepping in and I sigh noticing he's not...... he's never here..... fuck this I'll just go home. I drove home yawning I'm so done with everyone.

As I get home my phone starts to ring a number from orlando so I let it go to voice mail , and I know the voice it's my mom....

M- hello sweet daughter of mine I love you and miss you I wanted to tell you to come get Jovi or I'll hurt him I'm sure you don't want your son hurt...bye sweety

I had devin when I was 12..... don't judge me ok.... I got raped by my mom's boyfriend.... he never thought I'd end up pregnant but my mom never believed me when I told her...

I get in my car and call my papa "Papá me llamó ... Tengo que conseguir Jovi o eles ella le hará daño" (Daddy she called I ... I have to get Jovi or eles she will hurt him)

"Go get him sweety now go let me know what happens" he said in a loving way

..............time skip to after she brings Jovi home....

Jovi is 5 years old and I love him alot he was with Adrian but my mom took him away from Adrian last year. I pull up to my house at about 6 am and carefully pick up Jovi holding him closer and walk in to see my dad and papa awake smiling at me.

They only ment Jovi when he was about 6 weeks old a d bow he's so big... I hope my life gets better so my son is happy.

His Princess! Her Gang Leader!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ