chapter 5

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Alexis dress for the meeting/party

Friday came faster then i thought as soon as I got home I got in the shower. Adrian hadn't been with me cause if business he was doing but he'd be here to pick me up at 7:30 it was now 7.

I smiled as papa curled my hair and did a natural smoky eye for me I had on red lipstick aswell. "My baby is all grown up" he had tears in his eyes he was like the mom I wanted I hugged him "don't cry or I'll cry."

He left as I put on my black dress (uptop) and my heals grabbing my phone I sighed. I head the front door and knew it was my dad...... he's gonna say somthing about my dessert I know it.

I made my way down stairs and bit my lip as I saw my dad and papa waiting for me down stairs. Papa handed me my black cluch. "¿Cómo me veo?" (How do I look). My dad didn't look happy "you know I want to say change but you look nice and I trust Adrian he's lucky cause if not you'd be in a locked room"

I sighed my brothers and AJ were at the football game while I was going out. Not even 30 minutes later Adrian knocked on the door. My dad opened it and smiled "Adrian long time no see" I saw Adrian smirk when he looked at me "te ves increíble como la reina que eres" ( you look amazing like the queen that you are ).

All I could do was blush, he pulled me so we could leave as soon as we saw a huge mansion "look theses guys mean business okay stay with me the guys are waiting to see you too, oh and I know that you go to school with Xavier their leader so just act normal okay babe?"

How the fuck is he so calm.... I hate this alot I hate being around alot of people. When we walked in there were people everywhere this was a business party meaning that theses were two gangs who were dressed formal ish.

Hey don't judge were teens and soon are 20 so ya. Anyway when I walked in I saw my main guys; Carlos, Ricky, and Mateo. "Alexis!" They all said at once. Pulling me into a group hug. People were staring at us yep this is normal four 19 year Olds hugging one 16 year old girl totally normal...


Boom 423 words in this chapter and I updated twice comment what you think I could use some input maybe in the next. Chapter you'll see Xaviers point of view who knows..... love yall

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