I shake my head before laughing, "All this for what? You so damn extra."

"Oh, I'm extra? It's not my fault I don't wanna be booty raped while I'm sleep. I don't know you! Fuckin' stranger, plus don't even bother making any noise. You'll frighten my fish."

I stared at her some more before busting out laughing, "You're so ridiculous!"

"And, what're you bitch? Oh, yeah... a stud!"

"I'm not one, but what's the biggie? Aren't you one?"

"Yup, but I don't like other studs!" She growled at me like some loose pitbull.

"Really?" I laughed, "But, you loved me."

Her face then scrunched up once I said that, "Fuck you talkin' bout?"

"Oh, nothing." I smirked grabbing a book out of my suitcase, "Nothing at all." I started laughing as I got on my bed.

She glared at me for a good three minutes before rolling her eyes and getting up. Sitting at her desk she had two bags of fish. She opened up each dumping them in an empty black tank.

The three fish then instantly took off swimming, and they looked so beautiful. But me being the petty person I am, I activated my speakers as it spew out Back to Sleep extra loud. The fish retreating behind the tank's decorations.

 The fish retreating behind the tank's decorations

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Oops..." I chuckled as she shot me a glare, "You did that on purpose!"

"I did not..." I gasped, holding my chest as if I were hurt by her accusation.

"You did so, nigga! Is you really trynna die today?! Cause I'll be glad to help." She swore getting up from her desk. She pulls out a pair of sharp scissors from the drawers.

"Damn, girl! I'm sorry? God, why you so mad?" I pouted at her before laughing some more.

"Just shut the fuck up, and read ya' damn book! I'm going to bed." She huffed, slamming the scissors onto the desk which frightened her fish once again. My laughter slipped out as I couldn't hold it in any longer than 30 seconds.

So, all of a sudden a text book was thrown my way, "Shut the fuck up!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Alright, I'm done." I breathed, catching my breath.

She then glared at me as she got in bed and turned off the light on her side. Tucking herself in, I chuckled softly to myself as I got up to get ready for bed.

School begins tomorrow, so I found out my outfit for the first day. Which consisted of my maroon air Jordan 6's, my maroon sweater to go along with my shoes, and some all white jeans I got from Pacsun.

Grabbing what I needed for my shower, I tiptoed to the bathroom so I wouldn't get anything else thrown at me from Bre.

I must've not tried hard enough as a huge turtle plush was thrown at me, "My bad!"

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