chapter seventeen - how it ends

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I was driving fast... way to fast. "slow down Stiles we don't want to kill someone" I heard Scott say. I ignored what he just said and went a little faster instead. Damnit. Alice's is there for four hours now, everything could have happened. Her phone goes straight to voicemail. I looked in the mirror, Derek was still driving behind me. "Stiles" Scott said again. "I’m going to kill him... I’m going to kill him," I replied. I'm going to kill Alice's dad with my own hands...and Derek will kill him with his own bare teeth and I don't care how Scott will kill him.. but we will kill him. "first of all we need to get Alice out of there, safely" Scott said. Last time she was in danger she almost died and almost.. she was a werewolf. I’m pretty sure this is not going to end with rainbows and unicorns. Finally were at the hotel Alice's dad was staying. I parked, jumped out of my car and waited for Derek to do the same. "what room?" Derek asked. "how would I know?" I snapped. Derek's eyes turned a little red before he went inside to ask the guy behind the desk. Derek probably didn't got what he wanted cause now he slammed the Guy's face at the desk. Ouch. Derek got back holding a key in his hands... "312"

Ten seconds in the elevator felt like ten minutes. As soon as the doors opened I ran into the long hallway. 298...300...302...304...306...308...310... "312" I said. I was standing at the door but as I looked around I saw Scott and Derek still standing at the elevator. "guys what the hell" I said. "we can't come with you" Scott said looking afraid. "mountain ash" Derek added. "are u freaking kidding me" I replied. Alice's dad must knew that we were coming but... he can't kill Alice today cause it's not the full moon. He's not going to kill Alice anyway if It's up to me. "get Alice out of there and if anything happens just run" Derek orders me. "oke" I lied. I'm not going to run away if I don't have Alice with me. I knocked, twice. I knocked again, twice. I heard some movement and then the door opened. "stiles" Alice's dad said. I wanted to punch him, I wanted to punch him so bad. "I want to see Alice" I said. He raised an eyebrow. "why don't you come in Stiles?" he was waiting casually for me to come in. His eyes made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to call Alice for me. I wanted to glance at Derek... but instead, I walked inside.

It was a big hotel room, more like a tiny apartment. "Stiles?" Alice sat on the couch, drinking tea. She looked oke. "I’m here to pick you up remember?" I tried to say it as calm as possible but I was shaking and nerves. I was trying to make a 'you have to trust me so get up and come with me' face. "I thought I was coming over at your place after dinner?" she said with a smile. Her dad sat at the table and was watching us. "Alice. We need to leave now" I said faster. Babe this is not the time to be confused I thought to myself. I grabbed her arm, pulled her up and dragged her to the front door. "bye dad" I whispered. I wanted to turn the door knob but.. it was closed? "what is going on?" an angry Alice asked. I turned around and looked right in the eyes of her dad. "oh nothing... just that your boyfriend found out about me being the last Kiyohime" he said with a smirk on his face.

Alice's skin colour turned pale, and she looked shocked. "what.. what do you mean last Kiyohime?" she trembled. "honey you know the story don't ask stupid questions" her dad said with a sarcastic tone. I grabbed Alice's face to meet her eyes "babe listen to me" I whispered. "he didn't came back because he missed you" It breaks my heart seeing her like this... telling her this. "he came back to kill you and I just found out twenty minutes ago so I came here to get you" I added. Alice started to cry and I heard her father sigh in the living room. "it all makes sense now" Alice said. "his obsession, the bracelet, why he left". "well in my defence" Alice dad got up "I only found out you were the last sacrifice one year ago and I always loved you". Alice's expression was angry, very angry. She let go of my grip and walked to her dad "how could you!" she screamed as she was trying to punch him. Her dad grabbed her throat "DON'T MOVE" he pointed at me. I was boiling. "don't make me kill her now" he added. "let her go" I hissed. "what are you going to do about it?" "it's not like you can kill me, not without your little werewolf friends" he laughed. And the next moment the window glass broke, I saw something like a fireball and then Alice's dad was one fire...

I catched Alice before she fell and slowly lead her to the floor "I’m fine, I’m fine" she whispered. I held her close and looked out of the broken window. A cross the hotel, on the roof was a women... Allison? did she just shoot an Arrow on fire? Scott must have called her. I'd never thought I would love Scott's girlfriend. There was nothing left of Alice's dad but ash. Lots of ash. I helped Alice get up and threw a arm around her. "let's leave" I said. Scott and Derek were still waiting at the elevator looking worried. "he's dead?" Derek asked. “yea" I answered. He looked at me from head to toe. "are you oke?" he asked. "yea I am" I replied. "thanks for calling your girlfriend" I thanked Scott. "Allison? I didn't call her?" he replied. "I’m keeping an eye on you guys, you know" I heard Allison say who just showed up behind Derek and Scott. "team human?" she laughed. I let go of Alice to hug Allison "oh men team human" I laughed.


"I'm not going to do it" I said. "yes you are" Derek replied. Does this guy know what 'no' means? "Derek I said no" I said again. "Damnit Stiles every man has to learn it someday!" he snapped. "well last time I did I almost burned my entire body!" I screamed in my defence. "yea son you are almost eighteen just do it" my dad orders. "fine!" I said, whatever makes you guys stop I thought to myself. I got up from the table and put a chair next to the bbq. "I will be in charge of this thingy tonight" I said. My dad threw a family bbq night, tonight in Derek's yard (cause it's much bigger). Even though Derek, Scott, Allison, Chris, Alan and Melissa aren't really family, they do feel like family. And ofcours Alice was here to. She winked at me when she noticed I was staring at her. I’m happy to say that everything turned out perfect. Chris buried the ashes of Alice's dad but we don't know if that was oke, but at least nothing terrible has happened the last few weeks. "stop daydreaming and flip the burgers before they turn black" Derek threw a plastic cup at my head. Yea you could say he's the annoying brother I'd never wanted to have.

I left Scott in charge with the bbq and took Alice with me inside the house to Derek's living area. She was wearing a short summer dress again and her hair was loose, resting on her shoulders. "why are you being so mysterious" she giggled. "I want to give you something" I said. I looked at her beautiful green eyes.. she doesn't like surprises anymore but what the hell, who can blame her? "what is it?" she asked nervously. I grabbed a tiny box from my jacket and put in her hand. "open it" I said. Carefully she opened the tiny box. "oh my god Stiles" she said as she got the silver bracelet out of it. "I wanted you to have a new one, with our memories" I said. I grabbed the bracelet and gently put in on her wrist. "there are also five charms on it" I smiled. "the first one is a bag, cause that is how I first met you" "the second one is a balloon cause that was our first date" "the third one is the Mets logo, cause watched that game" "the fourth one is the full moon, cause thats when I almost lost you" I said. "and the last one is a heart?" Alice said smiling. "because I love you" I said.

"it's beautiful" she whispered. She stepped closer and put her arms around my neck as I grabbed her waste. "I love you to" she said and I pressed my lips on her. I wanted to kiss her every day, like this, since we met at that stupid locker. My hand slipped under her dress "we are at the family bbq" Alice giggled. "I don't care" I answered as my lips were following the trail of her neck. "let's go upstairs" Alice ordered. I stopped kissing her and looked at her green eyes. I raised an eyebrow. "Derek's bed?" she said. "oh yea" I replied as I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the stairs. "payback is a bitch Derek" I laughed.

THE EEEEEEND!! I hope you guys liked it! I had so much fun writing this! Ill be back soon with an other story :)

Kiss me like you wanna be loved - Stiles Stilinski [Watty Awards finalist 2013]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن