chapter eleven - fight

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DEREK!" He lay on the dance floor and Scott was sitting next to him. He looked bad and the room even looked worse. I counted three bodies. The decoration on the ceiling was teared and everything else was upside down. I ran to Derek and knelt beside him. "Derek your arm" it seemed to be broken. "it's not healing" Scott said to me. Derek breathed heavily. "why is it not healing? Derek why is it not healing?" I was panicking. "I don't know" he grunted. "help me take off my jacket and tie it around my neck so my arm can rest in it". I got up to do what he said. When pulling the zipper down Derek's eyes turned red as he showed his teeth to me. "well I’m sorry kitty cat, just sit still" I said as I continued. Scott put his arm in the jacket and I knotted the sleeves together in his neck. "what happened?" I asked after we helped Derek getting up. "I went after the Kiyohime but I just touched him and then my arm broke" Derek was thinking. "I just touched him with one finger and my arm broke"

"so basically you are saying that it broke your arm just with touching it with one finger" that's pretty messed up I thought to myself. It was quiet for a moment and then I looked at Scott, who looked at me with the same face that I was making. Shocked and scared. "what" Derek was looking at the both of us. “Derek think about it" I started. I really don't want to say this. "you touched him with one finger and you broke your arm, what if you grabbed him?" "what if he grabbed you?" I was walking in circles trying to get less nerves, anxious. "what are you trying to say" Derek groaned at me. "Derek the Kiyohime is death oke" I was doing my weird hand thing again. I always do that when I’m trying to make a point. "he can suck the life out of you" "if you grabbed him your arm would have probably fell of cause it died" I was almost screaming. "so you are saying.." Derek interrupted. "I’m saying we can't kill it because we can't touch it"

"how about, we blow him up?" I blurted out. "Stiles we need to burn his bones and burry the ashes, I don't have time to search for all of his bones when he is in a thousand pieces" Derek punched my shoulder. "oooh ouch" no need to get all touchy. Scott and Derek continued making plans. I felt kind of useless at the moment. We don't know how to kill it and we don't know who will kill it. Derek has only one usable arm and Scott... well Scott is strong but he's not Derek. And besides that, I don't want Scott to get hurt to.. ore even worse, get killed. I wish Erica and Isaac were still alive. "do I look like a prom king?" I asked. I wrapped the decoration that fell of the ceiling around me. Red and yellow eyes were staring at me. "oke jeez, I guess not" I whispered. Again Scott and Derek continued making plans. "can't we just go to Alan Deaton?" I coughed. "since the guy knows everything, why not?" i added

The closed sign was showing at the vet's door. Ofcours, it was already 11:30PM. Scott had a key with him cause he works there. "Alan?" I heard Scott saying. "Alan we need your help" he added. we heard a door and right after that Alan showed his face. "it's a little late to go to work Scott" Alan said with a blank face. "Alan, Derek's arm is broken and it's not healing he touched someone who we must fight" Scott started. "the Kiyohime" Alan responded. Wait, what? he knows? "you know the Kiyohime"? I asked. probably with my mouth hanging open. I knew this guy knows everything. I should have been here a week ago. "the bruise must look like a symbol by now “Alan said to Derek. Derek ripped of the knot that I tied around his neck. He held his arm in front of him. There was a bruise. Alan opened the little door that leads to the back. "come in" he said.

While Alan was doing something with Derek's arm (I’m not watching cause I’m smelling blood) he explained what he knows about the Kiyohime. "you see, this creature can’t be touched by anything supernatural" Alan looked at Scott. "it's not save for you to go after this thing" Alan said. He looked at Derek. "also not save for you but you already found that out". Derek rolled his eyes. "death, can only be killed by something, someone alive". "a pure living being so no half human half wolf" I keep hearing news that I don't want to hear. I saw Derek moving his broken arm, which was healed again. "what did you do?" Derek asked. "a pure living being can kill this creature, but also cure the wounds that it leaves behind, that's why you didn't heal" Alan answered. "because I’m not pure human" Derek stated. "but how are we going to kill it if Derek and I can't touch it?" Scott asked. And then Alan's eyes were looking at me, followed by Derek's and Scott's eyes.

"why are you looking at me guys..." I whispered. And then it hit me. "no no noooooo no no no" I was shaking my head. "I'm not the one who is able to kill this thing" "I trip over my own feet ten times a day!" I was making a 'you know" face towards Scott. "Stiles we have your back" I heard Derek saying. "I told you we won’t let you get hurt" he added. "but guys" they didn't get the point. "If I fail and this thing gets you, touches you, you are dead" I can't let that happen. "we can call Allison's dad for help"  Scott left the room to call him. "I don't know if I can do this" "I’m not batman, I’m not a hero" I whispered. Thinking about every little detail that could go wrong. Alan layed his hand on my shoulder. "have a little faith in yourself Stiles" "the mind is stronger than the body" he said. "Stiles?" Scott was back in the room. "Yea?" I turned around to face him. "Scott what is it?" I saw him taking a deep breath. "It was Allison" "Alice is gone"

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