part one - have you met me?

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"Dude, have you met me?" I looked at Scott like he was crazy. What a stupid question. "If I want to help decorate... I repeat, decorate the gym for the summer dance which is this Friday" I don't even dance and I sure as hell not going to cut suns out of yellow paper. "Stiles relax" Scott whispered. O right, we were already in class. "I have to do this for Ms Grace cause I skipped her class the other day" Scott continued. Skipped class to make out with Alison somewhere. Seriously, since those two got back together they are like bee's with honey, and I'm getting punished for it. "Please?" I thought about my history homework and that I promised my dad help him ordering some old files. "Fine" I said. "But you owe me" I added.

"Ladies?" "pay attention please". I looked up and nodded at Mr Andrews. 50 minutes of history... ore in my case staring at Lydia who's two seats in front of me. I've always had a crush on her, but she doesn't have a crush on me. Like every girl around here. so... history... what is he talking about... Castle's from a thousand years ago... something about a war... Lydia's red hair... strawberry blonde actually... I can never focus when I'm in the same room with her. I looked at Scott, who is probably texting Alison, like always. "Dude" I whispered. No response. "Dude" I said louder this time. "Stiles.. why are you interrupting me"? Mr Andrews was staring at me right now, just like everyone else. "I was just.. thinking that... I left my history book in my locker, and Scott who I call "dude" sometimes has the key...of my locker"... I was a terrible liar and I tend to make situations more awkward. "Get it and come back".

As I walked through the empty hallway I heard some noise and cursing. Lots of cursing. When I turned left at the end, I saw a girl kicking at a locker. I'd never saw this girl before, and trust me, I know every girl around here. Tall and a brunette. Beige blouse, tight jeans... very tight actually and some blue converse shoes... "A little help please"? Oh she noticed me, well that wasn't the plan. I stared at her face which was pretty, not too much make up though. And her eyes, green, were hypnotizing. "Hello"? Stop staring like a freak Stiles I said to myself. "Oh sorry, I uhm, let me help" I finally said. I dropped my bag at the corner of the hall and walked to her locker. "Type in the combination" I ordered. As she did I punched the left corner of the locker and it opened. "Yea thats all you have to do, combination and a punch" I said. Here beautiful eyes were making me nerves. "But if you want we can switch lockers cause mine doesn't need a punch... ore something"... I added. "It's fine, thank you" she said with a little smile.

[TEXT MESSAGE FROM DEREK] Stiles I need you here as soon as possible don't tell Scott.

Werewolf stuff again. "Everything oke"? The girl asked sincerely. She stopped from putting her stuff in her locker and looked at me. "Yea it's fine" I lied, "But I really have to go" I added. I didn't want to but Derek doesn't like to wait. I grabbed my back and ran outside to my car.

"What took you so long"? Derek was looking at me with his dark eyes. Well everything was dark about Derek. His hair, eyes, clothes, shoes even his voice had a little dark tone in it. "Dude I was in school I just can't come and leave whenever I want to, do you even know how my dad will react if he finds out I ditched class again"? I promised my dad to be good this year, be on school and don't get myself in trouble, but I'm with Derek at the moment and Derek is trouble. He ignored my question. "Does Scott knows you're here"? He finally said. "No" "you asked me not to" I answered. "Listen" Derek started "Scott turns 18 in two weeks and I want to throw him a suprise party". My mouth fell open in shock. "Dude are you kidding me! I ditched class because you want to throw a suprise party for Scott? Since when are you into parties cause last time I checked you where this "I don't like fun I hate everyone" guy". Derek wasn't looking all happy now.. "It's not that I don't mean you're not fun.. I mean your not always fun and sometimes.. you hate people.. like.. a lot of people" I said.. digging my own grave.

"I don't like parties" Derek said. "But there are new seniors and juniors at your school and some of them want to hurt Scott and his friends and by friends I mean Alison, the redhead and you, my friend"." I want to throw this party and I want you to tell the whole school, without Scott knowing, about the party". Oke. "So you want to use Scott's birthday to find some evil people, I don't want to do that" I said. But by saying that Derek stood for my nose within one second. "Yes you are, I have a plan" he hissed. Not going to argue with that. "Fine" I said kind of scared. "But you owe me"! I Yelled as I walked out the door to my car.

Later that night in bed I thought about today. I always think about how I lived a day and how I could have made things less awkward ore more awesome. Derek. Asshole. I don't even know if Scott likes suprise parties. Well not this one, "Suprise Scott! we threw you a party for some people who might want to kill you". Yea that would be fun. And the locker girl. I didn't even asked her name, ore number. But number is to soon right? Probably won't see her again, and those, green eyes.

[TEXT MESSAGE FROM SCOTT] Stiles, tomorrow after school decorating, be there!


Thank you guys for reading this! it's my first fanfiction about teenwolf! hope you guys like it ±' please vote and comment!

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