chapter seven - birth marks

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I opened one eye cause I heard some movement in my room. Everything was still blurry, but I noticed a dark figure. "Derek, you just can't come into my room and stare at me like that" I said still half a sleep. "It's cute in twilight but creepy in real life". Why don't people just let me sleep? Right, it´s a Monday. I forgot. School. "Just five more minutes" I said. "I will talk five minutes" Derek said. Ofcours you will I thought to myself. "The Kiyohime needs to sacrifice five people each for every symbol, before the full moon this Saturday" Derek started. "On Scott's birthday party" he added. "If he kills these people, he will be able to use a body forever instead of 24 hours, and don't get me started on how powerful he will be" I was still half a sleep. "More powerful than you"? I finally asked. "Yes Stiles" was the answer. We are screwed. "These five people he needs to sacrifice are connected" Derek said. "How"? I wanted to know. "By birth marks" I heard a familiar voice saying, which I didn't wanted to hear...

"Peter"!? I said as I threw the covers away from me. "Derek what the hell? It's one thing that you are creeping in my room when I’m a sleep, but you are doing it together with your ex alpha uncle"? Jesus. "Good morning to you to Stiles" was Peter's reaction. "Why did you tell him"? I was mad, but there was no time really. Had to be in biology class in twenty minutes. I put on some clothes and grabbed my stuff as Derek was explaining himself. "He knows more about supernatural creatures than we do, and we can use all the help"  "We have enough help" I snapped, "Ore am I not good and strong enough? Because I’m human?" I could cry right now, but there is no time to do it. "Stiles" Derek grabbed my arm. "You are good enough" I could tell that he really meant it. "Just keep your eyes open and check for birth marks that look like those symbols oke? We have till Saturday night" "I will" I answered, and grabbed my keys from the jeep. "But you two" I pointed at Peter and Derek, "Stay out of my room.. cause my dad has guns... like lots of them... big ones" they did not seem to be impressed. "Fine, bye".

Scott was already waiting for me outside at school. I used to pick him up but since he's dating Allison... you know. "Dude Peter" Scott started. "I know" I said. "And five people" Scott said. "I know" I said again. "Do you know about the birth marks"? Scott asked. "Yes Scott, I know everything" I answered. I was pretty irritated.  We walked straight to biology class and sat down at the back so we could discuss the whole situation quietly. I´ve noticed Alice, who sat next the window with Danny. I gave her a little wave. "When we have lacrosse practice, we have to check everybody for the birth marks when we are changing" I heard Scott whispering, with his eyes locked on the teacher so we didn't draw any attention. Staring at half naked men isn't weird, ore creepy at all I thought to myself. "I asked Allison to do the same at swim practice" he added. "Scott" I whispered. "Do you know, that the Kiyohime might be at school, dressed as someone we know, looking for the same birth marks?" "I know, but we won’t find out who he's 'dressed' at cause I, and Derek haven't found a dead body". Scott answered. "Keep your eyes open Stiles"

[TEXT FROM ALICE] Tonight the Mets play, want to watch it together?

I looked at Alice who looked at me with her cute smile. I´d never met a girl before who actually likes the Mets, ore even likes to spend time with me. Maby she just wants to be friends, ore hey, maby she thinks I’m gay. "Scott" I coughed to get his attention. "Did you thought I was gay the first time you met me?" I whispered slowly. Scott’s face was priceless. "Dude we were four when we met" he answered. Right, stupid question.

[TEXT BACK TO ALICE] Awesome, my place at 8

So we didn't found anyone at lacrosse practice having a birth mark looking like one of these symbols... we did got almost punched though. Allison on the other hand did found a girl having a birth mark like that on her neck. Derek is going to her house tonight to check upon her or something, make sure the Kiyohime doesn't kill her, which is not easy since we really have no freaking clue who the Kiyohime is at the moment. Dinner was already at the table when I got home. "Lasagna?" dad was putting some on my plate. "Yea I found some of your mom's cooking books" dad answered. I was looking at him with my shocked face. "Yes Stiles I cooked something, now sit and eat". I sat down and took a bite. It was... good, to be honest. "How are you son" dad look at me with a worried face. "Fine dad, just, you know, school... (Derek slipped through my mind) girls.." I coughed, "speaking of girls, Alice is coming over tonight to watch the Mets with me" Dad dropped his fork, "a girl is coming over?" sigh. "Why is this such a shock for you?" I was insulted. "Well you never brought a girl home before, like ever" he was doing the dishes now. "But I have to work in half an hour so I won't bother you guys"

Alice was 10 minutes late, but thats a girls thing right? Did I cleaned my room? Yes I did and I hid everything weird ore wolf related, which is basically everything. Finally the doorbell rang. As I opened the door there wasn't a pretty lady waiting for me. "Derek come on!" he put his foot between the door cause as he was probably reading my mind, I wanted to close it in his face. "I just came by to tell you not to show your baseball cards collection to Alice, cause it's not cool, never was never will". "But they are vintage!' I said in my defence. "Stiles, no. Oh and that girl with the birth mark? She was already dead before I got there" Derek was whispering now, probably because Alice arrived.  "Hey Derek" Alice greeted. "Alice" Derek greeted back as he walked back to his car, but before he got in he shook his head at me to make sure that I got the message not to show the cards.

"And this is my room" I opened the door and let Alice in. "Cool" she said, "nice TV" she pointed. It was the flat screen TV I got for Lydia last year. A little too much. "Oh I don't have a couch.. so we have to lay euhh sit on the bed" what is this feeling? oh right, awkward. "That's oke" she smiled. I watched her make her way to my bed. She wore a women's Mets shirt with black skinny jeans underneath. Her hair was again, in a ponytail and her lips... were soft pink. And then a pillow hit my face. "You are such a daydreamer aren’t you" Alice giggled. "Sorry, bad habit" I smiled. I layed down next to her, watching the game. "I can't believe he's on the bench!" Alice said. "Well he deserves it, he screwed up big time last week" I replied. "Stiles they all screwed up" she looked at me seriously. "Oke oke, you're right women" I said with my hands up. "Ofcours I am" she smiled. I noticed she very close right now and my body, wasn't protesting. Should I put my arm around her? Maby I should... just to make sure I’m not in a friend zone. Do it Stiles, I said to myself.

I did it. I put my arm around her. She didn't put it away, she didn't put a weird face on. Instead, she started to lay closer to me. Her soft hair was resting on my arm, her head on my chest. I was hoping she didn't feel my heart beat, cause it was beating faster than usual. We watched the game like this till the end. They didn't won, again. I turned the TV off with the remote. "Stupid Mets" she whispered. "Tell me about it" I replied. "Can I ask you something?" Alice said. She turned around so she was facing me. Her hands cupping her face. "Are you happy?" she finally asked. "I I don't know, I guess, I mean some things are complicated in my life right now" I looked at her green eyes. "Unpredictable things keep happening and people get hurt... I’m done with that" I’m realising I was touching her hand. "You can't help everyone Stiles" she said. "Sometimes you, have to think of you, what you want and what you want to do" she added. I knew that she was right, but she doesn't know it's not that easy. All I know is this... I leaned a little forward, closer to Alice, closer to her lips. I tucked her hair behind her ear, and gently touched her neck up, as I cupped her face gently. She breathed faster. I looked at her lips, and then her beautiful green eyes again. "There is one thing I want to do" I whispered. 

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