~Part 25~

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~Luke's POV~
I was at home after my long visit with Aria. It wasn't exactly a visit with her it was more like a visit with the chair in the lobby. They were still trying to figure out if she needed surgery. I went to the bathroom and got the water running for a shower. I was all sweaty from my run home. I smelled like donkey poo that needed cleaning. I lifted up my arm to get a towel, only to quickly pull it back down at the odor. I plugged my nose with my now free hand, after dropping my phone, and reached up to grab a towel once again. I succeeded this time, and walked to the bathroom. I turned back on the water that I had recently turned off and hopped in. I put shampoo in my hair and massaged my head, before doing the same with conditioner. I got body wash and washed myself, making sure to wash good for my visit with Aria. They said I might be able to actually see her this time if she's better. I really hope she's better, not only so I can see her, but because we had just admitted to loving each other. I love her, I really do.
I can't do this anymore. Aria still couldn't have any visitors.
Arias Dad: What on Gods green Earth do you think you're doing with my daughter? I will find you, and I will kill you next time you're seen at that hospital. I don't care if it's because you're hurt, or even dying. You will not go in that hospital again, understood?
I didn't do anything. I didn't put my phone away, I just tossed it onto my bed, after putting it away. My eyes wandered aimlessly around the room.
I'm gonna party tonight. I told myself. I got my best clothes, ones that not even Aria saw, and went into the bathroom to get changed.

Sorry it's short and boring. Also, sorry it took so long. I've had writers block and couldn't really think of what to write. Thanks for reading!! ❤️❤️

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