05 | For the Love of a Brother

Start from the beginning

"We'll rip him apart with our hands, then burn the pieces– Emmett grinned with bloodlust. Bella lingered uncomfortably by Adele.

"I don't relish killing another creature." Carlisle cut in distastfully as he helped Esme into a coat. "Even a sadistic one like James." Adele bit her lip; she wasn't as compassionate as her father and would gladly kill James without remorse.

"If he doesn't get to one of us first." Rosalie mumbled pessimistically.

"This is insane." Bella objected in a shaky voice, "You can't put yourselves in danger like this for me."

"Too late." Rose bit back.

"Rose, I am sorry if I may seem against you lately, but now is not the time!" Adele snapped, turning to the other blonde. Rosalie set her jaw. "If you were in the same situation you would want everyone doing what we are doing right now!"

Rosalie glanced at Emmett as he loaded his car – he was used to her behavior by now – and then looked maliciously at Bella, "But I'm not in there shoes and I will never be."

"Then do it for the love of a brother – of your family." After a moment of staring, Rosalie gave in and sighed.

Edward took two set of keys from the hook by the entrance door and  threw one set to Carlisle and the second to Alice. "I'll run Bella south, while you lead the tracker away–"

"No, Edward," Carlisle cut him off, "The tracker thinks you won't leave Bella. He'll follow you."

Alice started her car, "I'll go with Bella. Jasper and I will drive her south. I'll keep her safe, Edward."

Edward was frustrated, frantic, and indecisive. He didn't want to leave Bella – but it meant ensuring her safety. He looked to Adele as she crossed her arms. She allowed him into her mind and he read her thoughts. "You're going with them?" she nodded, "You'll keep her safe?"

"I'll guard her with my life."

Edward then turned to Alice, "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" When she nodded, he overcame the internal battle raging inside of him and agreed.

Adele stopped Bella from getting into Alice's car and waved her car keys, "We are taking my car. It's the fastest and the sturdiest – and I refuse to drive in a car that's as banana-freaking-yellow." Alice rolled her eyes and nodded, hopping into the driver's seat. Jasper got into the front passenger's seat.

Edward opened Bella's suitcase and tossed some of her clothes to the rest of them, "Esme, Rosalie, put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent." Rosalie reluctantly obeyed and Adele gave her a thankful smile – the blondes were close, even if it didn't always seem like it. They both shared pasts that they'd rather not relive or discuss.

Adele and Bella climbed into the backseat of the car and Bella opened to window the have an intimate moment with Edward. The entire family silently watched, knowing that this may be the last time they ever saw each other again. Bella shook her head frantically, running a shaky hand through her hair, "If any of you get hurt because of me–"

"We won't, there are five of us and two of them." he reassured her. I should never have gotten involved with her. Now I've put her in danger. "When it's done, I'll come get you."

Bella looked into his eyes fearfully. She didn't want to leave him. Her heart was aching for Charlie. Her life was being thrown upside down in this never-ending tornado of supernatural secrets.

     "You're my life now." he said.

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