The gym teacher is the host

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Eren walked out of the math room to see his two bestfriends, Armin and Mikasa, standing by his locker waiting for him. He walked up to them and started to put in his combination for his locker

Eren pov:

"Sorry I got out late, Mr.Smith wouldn't stop talking." I felt bad making them wait for me, though they didnt have to. " Gym next right?" Armin nodded and held up his bag. Mikasa didnt respond, I could tell she didn't want to do to gym. Not in the least bit. I didnt blame her, it was 8:00 in the morning and our gym teacher was the worst human that could possibly teach the class. Im not even really sure if Mr.Ackerman knew a whole lot about sports in the first place. " So what happened with that kid last week? Is he alright?" I asked turning to armin " I think he's okay but he hasnt been to gym class for about 3 days now. I feel bad for the kid. Getting hit with a broom would hurt, especially by someone as strong as Mr.Ackerman." A grin spread across my face, i couldn't laugh or else Armin would yell at me." Yeah. Its pretty tragic" i responded still trying to hold in my laugh. I mean come on, who wouldn't want to laugh at the fact Mr.Ackerman hit a kid in the face with cleaning supplies for not running fast enough, I still dont know where he even got them in the first place. " I know your laughing inside Eren." Mikasa said looking down at the floor as she walked. "No. Pffh... your funny Mikasa " I lied. " whatever bye" she mumbled walking into the girls locker room. Me and Armin contiued to walked down the hall silent. We finally made it to the locker room after what felt like forever, even though it was like a minute. I got changed and walked out into the gym with Armin by my side, i saw Mr.Ackerman standing in the middle of the gym with the attendence sheets " Jaeger... Arlert... go grab a basket ball and do stuff " I looked at him a bit confused " Like what?" The man rolled his eyes " I dont know take a few shots at the baskets... just don't stand there like a dumb ass" Armin started to shake, worried the man would hit him with a broom or even worse. I shook my head " whatever" I said turning around and grabbed a basket ball. Me and Armin started to throw the ball to the basket but neither of us could seem to get it in, not even once. Mikasa ran out of the locker room and quickly told the teacher she was here and grabbed a ball. Every time she threw the ball it would go in the basket. " How is she so good at everything... I suck."i said disappointed. Armin started laughing "What?" Armin contiued to laugh "I get it cuz your gay and you suck..." he said bursting into more laughter. I hit his playfully but also in a ' dont ever fucking say that again' kinda way. "Shut up " i told him shaking my head.

Levi pov:

I set down my attendence sheets and walked back into the middle of the gym " Okay class four lines on this side of the gym!" I yelled pointing to my right " when I blow my whistle I want you to shuffle to the other side of the gym while dribbling" I told them as everyone got in a line. I blew the whistle and watched the students go. I kept my eye on Jaeger particularly well knowing he doesnt do shit in this class. Looking into his grades, I found the brat was smart. He just didnt care for gym in the least bit or didnt try. The kid has a 75, he was out for 8 days and unprepared for 5, plus he is a smart ass so I never went easy on him. I blew my whistle again and watched as the brats ran to the other side. A ball flung from over for a corner of the gym all the way over to me. Eren ran from the corner the ball came from and started running towards me.

Eren pov:

I ran after the ball and realized it was right next to Mr. Ackerman. Sure I thought he was an ass but he was kinda hot and I got flustered each time I came in contact with him, I dont know if it was out of fear or if it was because he was hot. I slowed down as I approached him and grabbed the ball from by his side "Brat,your supposed to dribble the ball not throw it across the fucking room" I heard him say as I pick up the ball " it bounced off my foot... jeez, chill bruh" I said rolling my eyes, I didnt want to deal with his shit today. The teachers eyes widened at my responce " excuse me?" He said stunned "you heard me " I mumbled giving him a dirty look " dont talk to me like that brat"" Ohhh Noo what are you gonna do? Spray me with windex?" I said sarcastically, refering to the kid he hit with a broom, before walking away. I walked back to armin to see him stunned " What did you say to him? He looks pissed " I laughed " Just being a smart ass thats all, he'll get over it " armin looked worried " you realize he hosts the gay club now as punishment because of hitting that kid, he'll make it living hell for you" my eyes widened 'I'm fucking screwed'

To be continued....

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