Chapter 27- And so she ran

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I fell before her limp less, bruised broken body. Her fragile ever so petite body. 

My knees were shaking as much as my hands while I attempted to scoop her up from my bed.

"Baby" I whispered into her hair. Her massive mess of a hair.

She blinked lazily until her eye lids drooped again.

I brushed my fingers across the slap mark on her upper right cheekbone.

My sour tear drop fell right onto her skin, immediately moistening it, and making it appear as though she had been crying. Even though she was, even though she had been. For hours and hours on end until my ears bleed as heavily as my heart.

"I don't know why he did this to you baby" My voice broke, and unwanted tears clouded my vision. I blinked them away quickly, but they stubbornly fell down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I-I shouldn't have gone to that party" I declared in a whisper. 

I kissed her head and closed my eyes as a few of my tears moistened a few stray hairs at the top of her head.

"Your body is m-my body, I feel every inch of this" I growled miserably.

I shook my head in disgust.

Des was alot of things. A thief, a cheater, a lier, a drunk, an asshole, a grudge holder, a gold digger, a pot bellied dick, he was a coward, a life destroyer, he was an abusive monster, but this was too far even for him. The first time he did this I should have acted more seriously, I should have done a lot of things to make him feel even an ounce worth of pain.

Even just a second's worth of excruciating heart felt pain. Both physical, and emotional

My body stirred slightly, her cheekbones red and irritated, and her wrists imprinted from obviously being toyed around, and tossed around.

I made sure to wipe away every single tear that fell from her cheeks, I made sure to kiss away every single drop until they were nothing but water on my lips.

My body; Lux.

Her hands were fisted into balls, fitted snugly in her chest as I cradled her; not daring not even for a second to let go, as uncomfortable as my body was against the foot of my bed, I wouldn't move, fearing that any foul muscle movement would hurt her, or disturb her withering sleep.

My hands shook as I wiped stained blood off my knuckles, rubbing them on my black jeans.

Lux cooed softly.

I winced.

Her hand fisted my shirt.

My phone buzzed next to my outstretched legs, and I quickly snatched it up, watching Lux's face carefully to see if I had woken her up the slightest bit.

I answered it in one swift movement, yet I forgot to speak into the phone.

"Hello? Harry?"

"What," I  responded dryly.

"Harry, I'm sorry, I-I didn't know that Des would do that t-"

"Gemma for fucks sake" I spat. 

She cleared her throat nervously on the other end.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry-"

"If you say 'I'm sorry' one more time I swear to god Gemma"

"I don't know what else to say" She squeaked.

"You of all people" I whispered. "He hasn't fucking changed!" I blared, causing Lux's eyes to slightly flutter open, and for a foul curse word to come slip out of my mouth.

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