"Octavia, this will be your room."

Octavia walked forward and nodded in thanks. She quickly glanced over to make sure Clarke was okay. Clarke gave her a slight nod and then watched as her friend headed inside. Arya continued leading them. As they continued forth, Clarke noticed a room with a set of huge double doors at the end of the hall. That must be Lexa's room. Arya stopped in front of the last room on her left, the room closest to Lexa's.

"This one is for you Clarke. There should be enough supplies in there to suffice for now, but if you need anything do not hesitate to ask."

Clarke quietly murmured thanks before stepping inside. She quietly shut the door behind her before turning around and was unable to stop herself from gasping. The room was huge. The biggest bed she had ever seen was nestled against the left wall. A bookshelf lined with books was tucked beside it. The space behind her was occupied by a large wooden wardrobe and bench. To her right was a beautiful door that, upon opening, led to a massive bathroom. The bathroom contained large mirrors covering all the walls and a giant tub was placed in the center. She slowly backed out and checked out the one wall she hadn't looked at yet. It was covered by curtains and Clarke didn't hesitate before throwing them back. The sight before her made her gasp again. The entire wall was a window and it gave her a gorgeous view of a small lake that was hidden behind the house. The sun was just setting and all the pastel pinks, oranges, and purples were reflected in the lake's glassy surface. She watched the beautiful colours and realized that, at least for a few moments, she finally felt at peace. However, she was quickly shaken out of her trance when she heard a slight knock on her door.

"Come in."

Clarke was finding it difficult to tear her eyes away from the window. The door opened and closed and someone quietly walked over towards her.

"Are you settling in alright?"

Lexa's soft voice startled her. She hadn't realized it was Lexa who had come in; she thought it might have been Octavia. She turned around to face her and Clarke's eyes must have revealed everything because Lexa smiled.

"It's incredible."

Clarke whispered softly, scared that any louder down might take away the magnificence of everything.

"I've been told supper is almost ready. You can change and then join us."

At Clarke's confused look, Lexa gestured to the wardrobe.

"You can have any clothes you like."

Trying to compose herself and not let her eyes reveal too much shock, Clarke nodded.

"Thank you."

There was a moment of silence where neither Clarke nor Lexa moved. The events from the previous night replaying in both their heads. Lexa moved closer to Clarke.

"Clarke. I'm sorry. I..."

Clarke shook her head and backed up. She couldn't handle being too close to Lexa without her thoughts getting muddled up, and besides, she knew what Lexa was trying to do.

"Lexa not now."

Hurt flashed for a brief moment across Lexa's eyes before she composed herself.

"Very well. Dinner will be served on the second floor."

Without waiting for any more acknowledgment from Clarke she turned and exited the room. Sighing, Clarke wandered over to the wardrobe to see what kinds of clothes had been left for her.

(Lexa's POV)

Lexa was very pleased with supper and it appeared so were Clarke and Octavia. She had missed the delicious food in Polis, especially the freshly baked bread and lamb. They had homemade apple pie for dessert, another one of Lexa's favourite things. Arya had also joined them for dinner and she had caught Lexa up on many of the things she had missed while she had been gone. When the last of their dishes had been cleared, Lexa stood up.

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