Parchment 25: Draco's and Pansy's Act

Start from the beginning

"Well, look who it is," Pansy starts to climb over Malfoy, I mean on him like there body's almost touching, "you wouldn't mind would you, I'm quite in a bad mood right now.." She starts to run her hand down his chest, her fingers brushing over the golden buttons on Malfoy's shirt.

I have no idea how this could be affecting me, okay you want privacy, yet anyone could walk in and see them together. Like wow, hello, there's no privacy here and if you want some go somewhere else then go!

I stand there staring at them with a blank face, not knowing what to show or say to the 'couple', though I don't remember them ever getting together in the first place.

But there was the inch of me that hates how Pansy was acting right now. Her hands on his soon to be bare chest, how her body is draped over his own like a blanket would be, and how close they are, not even an inch between them, less than that. Too close and too touchy.

Is that all?

My silence to her meant to carry on with Malfoy being her personal doll and taking his clothes off, starting with his shirt.

How she looked at him, with such lust and want with a hint of slyness that I know that is part of her personality. She is like a snake, slithering and moving in towards her prey that she longs for and wants desperately. Even her movement was like a snake, she moves full of grace and smoothly going in for the venomous kill.

Only one button became loose, then I feel something start to rise in me as if a fire was started in my lungs and spread throughout my body, it wants out and wants to destroy everything that is causing this pain and emotion.

I don't know what to call this, it's a form of rage but much worse, very worse. Something just stings inside my chest and I don't like the sensation of it, it's uncomfortable and I want it gone.

Then the next button one goes, and the next, until she is finally done and lays down on his chest, his bare chest, with a few small moans she adds in to make this more effective. Which it certainly did, in the most disgusting way possible for a female to do it, to obviously please a male figure.

In my stomach, the walls seem to be caving in as I start to feel sick, the not good sick either. Throwing up, being the worst out come, which most likely will happen due to what previously took place ahead of me.

"Draco, do you want me to continue?" She hums in his ear, a smile of pleasure forms on his lips. That's when I snap, a huge volcano just erupted above my heads. Anger takes over my body, I act before I think through what I was doing.

My fist goes against Pansy's face, earning a loud crack but that's not all, once that punch was dealt I pull her off of Malfoy and on to the floor. With one motion of my hand, I give an insanely fast slap on her cheek. I know that will leave a mark on her cheek and hopefully get ingrained in her mind too.

"You..." Pansy start, I draw back with tears just forming in my eyes as I retreat back to my own room, but not just yet. I eavesdrop between the two, curiosity made me stay the whole time.

"Why didn't you help me!" She whines as she always does, Malfoy just gives her a small glance down in her current state. A smile forms on his face and stands up away from the couch.

"I thought you said you could take care of yourself, that's why I didn't get involved, and it was quite hilarious how you got beaten instead, back in first year when you dragged her out to the pond, then Hagrid stopped you from messing her up more." How did he know that he wasn't even there, not unless he was in the common room at that time? But I didn't see him like I could see anything back then at that moment.

"But Draco, you jerk! You still should have helped me! I'm your girlfriend after all!" Draco lets out a dry laugh at Pansy's comment.

"We are not going out, that is just a figment of your own imagination from a world that you live in, I would never date or get engaged to someone that worthless and desperate like you. I don't care about you at all, I never have and won't ever will."

"Then you used me!" She yells at Malfoy, pointing her finger only at him. Malfoy turns his back to Pansy, still letting his naked chest and shoulders show.

"I used you, oh no, it's called something else. I played you like you always played me, you brought this upon yourself, Pansy, I just followed what you had as an example. It worked quite well also.." Pansy starts to fume smoke out of her ears, anger falling into her now.

"You'll never get it Draco, you'll never get what you want! You don't even care about anything! You don't even care about Quidditch! You just want whatever right then and only then! You never think about what others are feeling!" Draco starts to walk towards the door, which I am still at.

"Draco don't you dare leave!" Then the footsteps start to come closer to me, I start to back away though I want to hear the rest of this strange conversation.

"I'll tell your father Draco!" The footsteps stop just outside the door frame, now who is getting played... "How tables have turned, Draco.." I can hear the poison coming from her mouth, she has him trapped now and she knows he can't leave.

"Tell my father what." Pansy licks her lips, her eyes show dominance in this match.

"Everything. Just that one small thing, it's not important, since you know, one small thing can start a landslide.."

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