All I Can Think About

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So this is just the first chapter before the real big one. I have missed the feeling of the keys underneath my fingers. Lord it has been too long without typing. I missed this and wattpad. Mainly you as well. Lord I miss home, I miss everything. I feel like I'm back home now that I'm back on this shit.

 So lately there have been a lot of disconnection between us. But I feel like we are going back to normal slowly. you have graduated and I have 18 days left till I get to finally see you and kiss you. I don't usually count but you know my ass is hype af. I can't stop thinking about all those things I've said that have caused you think the way you've thought and to even involve your dad in it makes me feel worse.

today you have made me feel a bit better about what I have said only because I don't intend to be apart from your ass,  and we have made 2 years starting in the next 3 hours. and that is rare for a lot of couples. I mean look at Nya and Ruben. shit I still feel like they would've been together if they both made it work, but that's not the point. you're my real ride or die. shit not many men would have made it pass my mom. and somehow you have. and I give you props for that. till this day, I will always recognize you for that. I don't know why but you still manage to wake up every day and keep it up. I even give you props for sticking up to these females back home. For instance the female you recently gave some advice about her relationship. shit like that is why I stay with you and admire you.

I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you, there are guys who are very flirty and always flirting with me and shit. but I don't see myself living my life with them or even having any type of relationship here. I have one back home. And I have this lovely ring on my middle finger representing what I have with you. It shows me that I am better person than what others see. I am not SINGLE. I may think negative about what ifs and what not with you. We're young and it's okay. I just want us to be happy with each other. and if I didn't see any potential in continuing our relationship I would've called it off already on Friday. But I don't want that. I want us to be together and actually continue proving my mom and others wrong. (Mainly your dad at this point.)

Now here's what's been bugging me. Reason why I have been acting the way ive been acting lately.

1. Being apart from you sucks like a fucking bitch man.

2. I don't get the good morning responses like before.

3. I have been the only on that's been putting up stuff on fb about us.

4. Then again you never really did that back at home so it's not really a reason.

Besides that I just didn't get why we were having the issues lately. So I felt like I was doing something wrong. like I always spoke to you when I was able to. I have been tired more often because of these stupid training shit, like we don't do much but I've been trying to do what I have to do at night to make your night because I haven't spoken to you all day and I hate that shit.

But now enough about that the next chapter will be up soon.

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