Everything About Us

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I picked this picture because I can see your smile and I love it.

So I've been asking in advance for us to stuff together on our own.

For instance this Friday, we are going to be at the movies watching mocking jay. I'm excited because we're going to the movies together on our own. Now I can't wait honestly because we are gonna just have fun and enjoy our day together.

Saturday I'm gonna go to my orientation for my job and you're gonna be with me, in Manhattan!! We're gonna just see and do everything we can.

And then for thanksgiving were gonna go to the parade in Manhattan. I can't wait to just have these days with you.

Now I'm thinking about yesterday and how perfect it was. Everything went perfectly. Not the interview but I got it. I got to be with you after my interview and just hang out.

I loved it a lot.

I just fucking loved being around you. Having you as my guard, yet my boyfriend at the same time.

For some reason I can't write more. But I know one day I will more than 2000 words. ☺️

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