Walk Through Central Park

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Today was Thanksgiving. Our second thanksgiving together as a couple. Last year we ain't hang out, don't even remember what I did last year to be honest.

But this year we were allowed to hang out and it was nice. I loved it. From the moment I saw you to the moment I got on my stairs.

I was amazed at how today went. I know I was aggravating but I ain't gonna mention it too much cause we already spoke about it.

I just can't stop laughing and smiling about the train ride. From us tickling each other on our way to the park. To me saying "WAPOW!" To you rubbing my stomach, to the part where you had your accident. It was funny yet nice and sweet. I wouldn't ask for anything else. That was my best day. Even though every day spent with you is the best. I just can't imagine my days being without you.

I loved everything about today.


Words can't seem to explain it. When you turned to look at me, I was smiling every time.

I kid you not, every time you looked at me I was smiling. Just amazed at how my day was going and how I got to spend it with you.

I love being around and just being myself even if it's just me being silly of annoying.

I laughed when I was doing the collage. I did something else to the one you see. I'll show you the original after you done reading this and text me. Which will be soon cause I ain't writing too much. And I wanna go to sleep soon.

But here love, this is for us. For you.

You were a miracle or blessing in disguise.

You were taken from me for three years that I finally was given a gift. A gift I will never want to lose.

I love you honey bear, honey, hubby, hunny, my baby, my love, my darling, my sweet heart. Oh my best friend, my heart, and my everything.

Hehe night love 😘

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