Chapter 5: Atlanta, Here I Come!

Start from the beginning

Cedar Wood High School

Here it is. It looked like a regular old school. And I noticed that there was no windows, just bricks. We walked into the school and walked into the office.

" I'm here to see principle Arnott" my said to the lady at the front desk.

" Go to the first room on the left ma'am" the lady said with an attitude.

We followed her instructions and walked into the room. And there he was, the principal. He was on the short side but he wasn't that short. He had a gray mustache and a well groomed beard.

" You must be Mrs. Wells" he smiled and held out his hand towards me.

" She's my mom" said looking at my mom.

" Oh, sorry" he chuckled " You two could be sisters, even twins"

My mom laughed but I kept a straight face. Is he trying to call me old?

" So, Justine starts school tomorrow and I was wondering if she can get a tour of the school, I picked up her schedule earlier" my mom suggested

" A tour? Are you sure?" He asked scratching his bald head.

" I'm sure. I don't want my baby girl coming to school tomorrow lost" she nudged me a little.

" Uh, I'll just, I'll call someone to uh, show you around" he said very hesitant

Ten minutes later, a girl with big curly hair walked in.

" I've been good all this week, I didn't do anything yet!" She pleaded

" Kaitlyn, this is a new student, Justine Wells, can you show her where her classes are?" He asked

" Yeah, is this gonna get me some extra time on my community service?" She asked.

He took a deep breath " Yes Kaitlyn"

" Okay! Let's go girl" she grabbed my hand and nearly dragged me out of the office.

" Let me see your schedule" she held her hand out. I handed it to her and she immediately read it.

" You have first block with some chill people, I got switched out of that class in October" she continued to read it.

" Okay, there's a blue day and gold day. Blue day you'll have first, third, lunch, and seven, that's tomorrow. Gold day is second, fourth, lunch, eighth." We continue to walk.

" Wait, I have lunch at the same time?" I asked.

" Same time as everyone else, they did it different at your old school or something?" She asked

" We got to go to lunch at anytime we want" I said

" What?! Y'all had freedom like that?Where are you from?" She asked in shock

" California"

" Oh, you a Cali girl" she smiled. I didn't know how to respond so I just smiled.

" Hop out of that shyness 'cause you are bound to get clowns here" she handed me back my schedule

She showed me around and told me all about the teachers and students. From her perspective, this school is horrible. We both walked back into the office where my mom and principal Arnott.

" Okay, Justine will be here tomorrow" my mom said shaking Principle Arnott hand.

" Looking forward, and Kaitlyn, you can go back to class" Kaitlyn looked at Principle Arnott and rolled her eyes.

" What's your number Justine? I wanna meet up with you tomorrow" Kaitlyn pulled out her phone. Since I had my phone number memorized, I just told her it three numbers at a time.

" Okay, I'll text you tonight" she waved and walked out

" I think we should go too, it was nice seeing you Mr. Arnott" My mom smiled and waved.

We walked out of my new school and went back home. I started to unpack and decorate my room. My decorations made me feel at home, kinda.

While I was unpacking, Savannah text me.

FT Me Rn! ☺️

I was actually really happy to talk to Savannah do I immediately called.

" So, how is it down there?"

" Horrible; my house is horrible, everything is horrible!"

" How does your room look?" She asked eagerly

" It's so small! And I don't have a bathroom in it, I have to walk down the hallway just to take a bath, and yeah I said bath, there is no separate shower" I ranted to her as I showed her my room.

" I feel so bad for you, how are you going to survive?"

I flopped down on my bed and huffed.

" I don't know Savannah, I don't know"

" Do you like your new school?" She asked

" I don't know, they have a black principle so that's going to be interesting"

" Hmm, well I hope you have a good time down there. I gotta go back to class"

" Okay. Bye Savannah!"


" You ride bus 70? You must live in the Buckhead area" Kaitlyn said. She called me around nine o'clock. It nine thirty now.

" Yeah, I think that's what my mom called this area" I guessed

" You guys must be rich!"

" I wish" I said thinking about my old house.

" You're going to ride the bus with Damien Moore, you are one lucky son of a bitch"

" Who's Damien Moore?" I asked

" Damien is the sexiest thing that ever walked into Cedar Wood High School! Ever girl wants to be with him and every boy wanna be him. But he is stuck up as hell!" She explained

" Well, I'm not worried about all of that drama. Next year I wanna graduate so I need to stay focused." I said

She started laughing " In this school, it's hard to stay focused. I'm struggling to keep a d in my classes, but I'm sure you'll be fine"

What she just said scared me. What if I can't get good grades? I can't go to college! My life will be over. I'm so nervous for tomorrow.

" I gotta go, don't forget to meet me outside of the library" she said

" Okay, see you tomorrow" I hung up the phone.

I am so nervous


I have no clue who should represent Damien so if you guys can send me a celebrity or a ig famous person to represent Damien I will greatly appreciate it. 😊😉

Next Chapter is coming soon!

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