"Actually i think I prefer the terms 'Snuggle Struggle'" I winked making her laugh.

"Well hello Mr. Ice cream man." she said pulling me into her room.

I sat down on her bed, making myself at home. It did feel like this was my second home.

"What are you doing here? It's late." she said sitting down beside me.

I shrugged pulling something out of my back pack, "Happy Valentines Day."

I smiled as her eyes lit up at the bag of red Gummie Bears I handed to her. I tossed an envelope on her lap as she eagerly opened the bag.

"What's this?" she asked her mouth full of Gummie Bears

She opened the card and smiled.

"To my favorite customer, may all your ice-cream wishes full fill you."

She laughed, "That's so stupid!"

I shrugged as I watched her admire the card.

"Hey can I ask you something?" she said looking up at me from under her eyelashes.

I smiled, "Anything."

"Um well you know I haven't had my first kiss and I'm afraid it's never going to happen... So um maybe..."

I watched as she blushed and tried to cover her face.

"You want me to kiss you?" I asked, I was clearly shocked that she hadn't been kissed yet, she's incredibly beautiful.

She nodded her head and looked at me as if waiting for me to spaz out.

"Well it is Valentines Day... But were only doing this once..?"

She nodded, "Once!"

I looked at her for a moment, this kid was my best friend. I couldn't say no to her.

I leaned forward and kissed her softly. She kissed me back with a little force and grabbed onto my neck making me hold on to her in reflex.

This kiss was amazing, nothing like I ever felt. It made my skin jump and I was incredibly in love with this feeling.

She kissed me a little harder before pulling away. We were both breathless as we looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Wow. Um.. Thanx I guess." she smiled.

I looked at her smiling which made me instantly smile, I never knew kissing my best friend would feel this great. If i did I would have kissed her sooner, but I'm not gonna tell her that.

"Uh yeah, no problem." I said laying on my back still stunned by the kiss.


I sighed as I looked down at her. Kissing her earlier felt the same as it did that night. It felt amazing.

I played with her hair, fiddling it around my fingers and soon fell asleep.


Our flight was almost ending and Lilly hasn't spoken to me once since she woke up. It's been pretty awkward ever since.

Kathy, the flight attendant, cam by and smiled, "We'll be landing soon, please put your seat belts on."

I looked over at Lilly who was glaring at her with so much hate, I think Satan would look ashamed.

"Lilly?" I asked once the attendant was gone.

She whipped her head to me and her face darkened, "Don't you dare! Let's just get through this, we find out what happens then we split, back to our own lives. I want NOTHING... to do with you after this trip."

I looked at her shocked, why the hell was she mad? "Look, I don't think you should be talking to me like that. After everything I did, this trip, all the nice things I've done-."

"Shut up! Like you did anything! The only reason I you came here with me is because you wanted to meet some Australian girls!" she whispered back, cutting me off.

"What the-."

"I know what you did with that girl last night! I heard you! I saw you! So don't you dare pointing any fingers on me for being mad, you selfish man-whore!" she said interrupting me again.

I looked at her with wide eyes, how the hell did she find out? "Mad? Why would you care if I was with another girl?!"

Her glare grew into a death glare, "I-I-I like you!" she said turning her head away.

God what a bitch... Wait what did she say?

We both turned to each other as we realized what she had just said.

"You... You like me?" I asked gesturing between us.

She rolled her eyes, "Your a douche." she whispered before turning away to look out the window.

I leant my head on the seat and sighed. She likes me. Lilly... Lilly likes me. Oh man.

"Lilly?" I asked, nor being able to get the smile off my face.

Right when she turned I grabbed her face and kissed her hard, at first she was taken back but after a while she kissed me back.

The same familiar sparks flew since the last time I we kissed. I smiled, this is how it's supposed to be.


Crappy I know! I'm sorry, it's just school has gotten in the way so much I hardly had time to write something longer.

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