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They were surprised.

But I yelled at them. "Come on I know where the puncture wound it so do what you need to do to save my daughter!" 

The doctor and 2 nurses ran over and I pointed to the puncture wound while holding her hand and keeping her heart rate steady. 

They stuck a long needle in there and sucked up this green liquid until they started pulling out clear liquid. Her spinal fluid. They put that directly in her spine....

The doctor noticed to. He had an 'oh shit' look. "What?" I said to him. 

"It was put directly in her spine...I don't know if it paralyzed her or not. If she is I don't know if it's permanent."

I frowned and we flipped her back over. "You look just like your mother." I whispered to her. 

That's when she started blinking and she turned to look at me. "Daddy. You woke up." She said smiling. But then she frowned. She looked at her legs and her heart rate started going up.

"Carson look at me. " A guy said. I could tell it was her mate. "It'll be okay. You'll be okay." He said. She calmed down enough for the doctor to check her legs. 

"Can you try and wiggle your toes for me?" The doctor said. We all watched her toes until her big toe twitched. "Okay so it's temporary. If you can move your toes even that, it means it's not permanent."

Tears came to Carson's eyes and the guy came over and hugged her. "I missed you Wes." She said to him. 

When they were done she turned to me and gave me a hug. "Nice to meet you dad." She said smiling after pulling away.

I sniffled and we hugged again. I missed my Kenzie. But I still have our memories, our daughter, and she's always watching over and in my heart. She'll always be in my dreams.








Carson's POV

Me and my dad were going to visit my mom today. I knew we would cry especially since I know our memories. I remembered everything my mom told me when I woke up.

It took about a month and a half but I was now walking again. I just came back to visit since it had been 3 months since I woke up.

We walked towards her grave and sat in front of it. Dad started crying making me cry so I brought him into a hug knowing it was worse for him. 

That was his other half. You didn't want to live without them. I would hate to be without Wes. I wouldn't be able to handle it. 

We haven't caught the witch group and the rogues I knew it was them. From long ago. But I knew they would be back again in another time. 

But it was time for me and Wes to spend our time together. Even complete that mating process. *wink wink*

He was my world. Our kids would be our world. I couldn't wait for my life with Wes. I couldn't wait for my grand children. 

I would always want them to be wanted. Not unwanted like my grandma and not unloved like me...

Here we go new life...

I'm coming for you.


Ugh I know it's short but I like it. 

One more chapter and then an epilogue. 

After this book one more is left. :*(


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