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Now that I was up in a room all I did was sit in my window seat and stare out the window.

 I did shower and use the toilet though. But I was this cut off girl who didn't want to talk to anybody. I couldn't leave anyways. I was a prisoner except I wasn't in a dirty old smelly cell with a crappy mattress. 

I was cut out of my gaze out the window when the door opened and in came Vic with a plate of food. He walked up to me offering a small smile and handed me the plate of food. 

I started eating when he left the room, locking the door. I spit out the food and took the plate in the bathroom before putting the food in the toilet and flushing it. 

I did this every single time. Nobody ever caught me. I was slowly dying and I hoped soon I was dead. I smiled to myself and went back to the window seat when I felt dizzy. I held onto the bed post and took a breath before I moved again and sat in the window. 

The plate. I said in my head. I got back up and walked slowly feeling dizzy again and kept going. I grabbed the plate off the floor and walked to the door where there was a table so I could set the plate there.

As I was setting it down I just felt so dizzy that I fell to the ground, the glass plate shattering on the floor. 

I used the wall to try and stand up but I couldn't. I was to weak. The door burst open and Vic came in with his blue eyes wide when his eyes landed on me.

Next his eyes went to the shattered plate. "Fuck. Kyle!" he said. He didn't bother calling Wes. He knew he wouldn't care.

Kyle came running in and swore also. "I'll get this just grab Carson and get her on the bed." He said before leaving to get a broom.

Vic came over and picked me up and layed me on my bed. Even though I was still I was dizzy. It's what I get for not eating anything.

That's when my eyes landed on Wes walking in here with a 'what the fuck' look on his face. "What the fuck happened Vic!?" He yelled.

Vic turned around abruptly. Kyle's coming to clean the glass. I don't know what happened to her." he said motioning to me.

Wes's eyes landed on me. "Just get the doctor." He said to Vic. Vic left to go get the doctor leaving me with Wes.

I felt horrible. "I have an idea on what happened." He said coming up to me angry. "You haven't been eating. You've disposed the food somewhere and now it's catching up on you."

Kyle came back and same with Vic with the doctor. The doctor checked me and turned to Wes and Vic. "Okay so I checked her over and she hasn't been eating for the month she's been up here. If I show you her stomach I bet you'll see her ribs." He said moving to lift my shirt.

I widened my eyes and moved away from him. Wes grabbed me and kept me in place while my shirt was lifted to show my stomach.

Wes instantly let go of me and stared at my stomach. A long jagged scar went across my whole stomach.

I weakly pulled my shirt back down and looked down. Soon I smelt food. "Eat this or you'll be forced to eat." Wes said taking the plate putting a fork in front of my face.

The smell pulled me in so I ate the fork full of food. After I swallowed I happily opened my mouth until it was all gone. 

But I guess I wasn't done eating because a whole new plate of food was in front of me. I ate and ate until I could sit myself up.

Everybody but Wes left. I got off of my bed and went back to the window seat ignoring Wes. "What the hell is wrong with you Carson! You could have died!" He said storming over to me yelling.

I turned to him and angry eyes. "What the hell is wrong with me!? My whole fucking love I've been unloved! I've never had anyone giving a shit if I was dead or not! My own parents left me! Then you come in the picture and I get this small ounce of hope and you crush it! You rejected me and now you fucking care about me!? Do you have any idea what I've been through Wes!? First my parents leave me! Then I live with rogues all because of those two shit heads! After years and years of torture and everything from them I get sold off to an abusive pack! I get ordered around and beat and then I get enough courage to run away! Only to be rejected by the only thing I had put all my hope on! I had so many thoughts and dreams of my mate saving me! Or-or him finding me and still saving me from this shitty life, also being the only one who loves me! Now I'm locked up in this room after being locked up in a cell actually wanting to die because nobody wants me and nobody loves me! So excuse me for trying to find a way out of this hell I'm living in! So not what the hell is wrong with me! What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed.

I huffed before turning back to the window and looked how free those birds in the sky looked. I heard a huge noise before pounding footsteps were heard and then the slam of the door heard.

I had no clue where all that rage came from...


And chapter two is out.

I actually feel like this version will work a lot better. 

What do you guy's think?

Oh and do any of you have any suggestions for a hot guy person for Wes?

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