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Now how would I get from here, to there?

Tree's are my thing. Right now I was on a branch thinking of how I was supposed to get across onto the other tree without killing myself.

I bit my lip checking out all the choices I had. "Carson! Get the hell down from there!" I heard Wes yell from below.

I looked down to see him looking up at me with a glare. "Your gonna kill yourself!" He yelled.

I took my stance before jumping with reached out arms. It looked like I was gonna miss. Wes was probably freaking out right now. Things were in slow motion it seemed.

My hands latched onto the branch and I used the trunk to pull myself all the way onto the branch. "God dammit Carson stop scaring me like that!" He yelled.

"Wes what are you so pissed about." I heard an un familiar voice say down below.

I looked down to see another guy approaching Wes with a smile. Him and Wes did a bro hug before pulling away.

"Tommy what are you doing here?" Wes asked.

"Visiting. So who are you yelling at?"

Wes looked up at me and shook his head. "My mate Carson. She won't come out of the tree." I looked away and up into the sky.

I sighed before jumping back onto the tree I was just on and climbing down. I went next to Wes and looked up at him with a smile. He didn't even put on a smile.

"Stop being a buzz kill Wes. I know what I'm doing." I turned around and walked back to mine and Wes's house.

I went onto the couch and started watching a movie. It was called 50 first dates. After the part where Lucy beats this guy with a metal baseball bat I passed out.





"Carson." I heard.

I cracked open my eyes and seen the beautiful sky. I sat up and my eyes met blue ones. I gasped before standing up and backing away. 

It was a women with blonde hair and blue eyes. She gave me a big smile. "You grew up so beautiful sweetie."

"Do I know you?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"No. But soon you will. Please. Follow me." I hesitantly followed her into some house. She sat down on a grey couch and patted the place next to her.

I sat down and faced her. "Now. I see you were rejected like me. Now your together, just like me and my mate. Now Carson I need you to listen to me carefully. You will go through many tough times but you need to trust your mate and everybody in that pack. Their all on your side and the visitor? He's on your side too. Just hold on baby girl. Keep a hold on what you truly feel. Don't take anything for granted and make the most of the life your getting. Now our time is up so I have to go, but I'll be seeing you soon."

She planted a kiss on my forehead and disappeared. All of the sudden the house started shaking and the house started falling apart. All of the sudden the ground underneath me caved and I screamed falling down.

That's how I woke up. I was screaming but I was falling off the couch. I sat there for a moment before getting picked up and held in someones arms. Sparks. It's Wes, thank god.

My hands grabbed his shirt and I buried my face in his neck. My heart was racing but it was calming down because of Wes.

He stood up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me close to him. Soon I felt myself being put down on our bed and started freaking out.

"No! Don't leave me. Please." I cried trying to pull him down with me by his shirt.

He cupped my face in his hands. "You'll be okay Carson. I'll be right here. Don't worry your safe, it's just another nightmare."

"But it's not just a nightmare Wes. There's this lady and-and she told me things and she said I didn't know her, but she knew me, she had the same blonde hair I do and....and she had blue eyes." My eyes shifted to the guy who's name was Tommy standing awkwardly in the door frame. "L-Like his eyes." I said pointing with a shaky hand. 

His eyes met mine and they widened. I turned my eyes back to Wes. "You can't leave me alone. She said we'd talk again. I don't want to be alone." I cried.

"It's a nightmare Carson. Your okay. I promise I'll be back soon." He said taking my hands off his shirt and leaving the room with Tommy. 

I cuddled into the blanket's but didn't shut my eyes. I was acting like a baby but it was so scary because I felt like I knew her.

Like I met her before.


Ugh I'm so mad at myself for making them so short.

My plan is to make them longer not shorter

Cause their only like 10 pages with the thousand words I do. :( :/

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