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Oh god....

I was scared. Like really scared. If I told Wes about what happened to me. I'd have to tell him everything. 

I knew that I wouldn't regret it once everything was off my chest but wow. I had a lot to say and I don't think he would stay calm throughout everything. 

But it was time to tell him. I walked into his office and he was there looking over paperwork. "Wes?" I said.

He looked up at me and smiled. "What can I do for you?" He said moving away from his work and giving me his full attention. 

"I...I wanted to tell you about...everything." I said looking down then back up at him. He slowly nodded and put away everything. 

I walked over and sat on his lap and looked at him before looking away. "Well the first thing I remember was living with rogues. Whenever I asked about my parents they got mad but they gave me an answer. 'They didn't want you. They sold you to us. You were to worthless and weak for them.' Is what they said to me. Now everyday of my life there was just sitting there until I was old enough to do things. So once I was old enough I cooked, cleaned, and did everything. I got the leftovers which wasn't much at all. I lived in a cell so when you put me in the cell I already knew how to live in one.

I was beat when I did something wrong, even if it was not sweeping the floor all the way or something. Little or big I got beat. Um....After I got the scar I was sold off to that abusive pack. Their beating were always worse. I usually got beat 10 times a day less on other days and none if I got nothing wrong. I didn't pleasure the alpha like the other omegas so I was always the one to get in trouble even if it wasn't me who did it. So when I had enough I left trying to find a better life for myself. But what kept me going was the dream of my mate coming and saving me. I knew I had one so the point of the journey was to find my mate or get a better life if I couldn't find him." I skipped over the scar part. I couldn't tell him right now. I couldn't.

I looked him in the eyes and he was frowning. He gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry Carson. But this time things will get better."

Although a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders, there was still an even bigger weight. I had to tell him right now....So I did.

"And how I got the scar....I wouldn't get on the bed when the man asked....This was after I refused to take off my clothes, which he ripped off with a knife....He cut me when I wouldn't get on the bed. Then...He raped me...."

Now he was mad....No he actually wasn't mad. He was livid. Filled with rage. "HE RAPED YOU!!" He roared before pushing me off of his lap and throwing his desk at the wall. I screamed bcking up on the floor.

He was wrecking everything. Wes's parents came in and they knew what happened because they heard it. Everybody knew it.

Wes's mom tried to go towards me but Wes stopped her by getting in front of her. Wes turned to me before storming up to me while I was backing up on the floor crying. When I hit the wall I couldn't stop crying.

"Wes your scaring her!!" His mom yelled. 

"He raped you!! Fuck!" He punched the wall making about 6 holes in the wall. "I should have looked for you!! I could have stopped that bastard!! I could have saved you!!"

"No Wes I was only 14! We wouldn't know!" I tried to help but when I said 14 he got even more pissed.

I built up all the confidence and strength I had and got up and shoved Wes back. I guess I had more strength than I thought because we went stumbling back and hit the wall.

I looked to his parents silently telling them to leave and grabbed Wes and sat him in the chair ignoring his protests. I sat on his lap and pulled his head to lay on my chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I rubbed his back.

"It's okay to cry Wes. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger." I whispered to him. 

That's when he started to cry into my chest. "It's all my fault Carson." he cried.

"No. No it's not Wes. I blamed myself for so long telling myself I could have fought back. But we couldn't have known about each other.  Even if we did meet we wouldn't know we were meant to be. But look. I'm okay now. You make me stronger and more confident every day. You make me want to be alive Wes. I lived most of my life wishing I was dead but now? Now I want to live. I want to be with you forever and have kids running around our house. I want to live with you. Nothing that happened to me was your fault."

He nodded but kept crying. I understood. After the crying session we moved on the couch and cuddled with a blanket over us.

That's how we fell asleep.

I was happy for once in my life.


Short chapter I know, I'm a loser. It was more of a filer but she did tell him important news.

So yeah don't worry longer chapters will come soon I promise.

Unloved: The Rejected SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now