Chapter 20

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I walked into the wedding planners office pushing Amina's stroller in as well. "Hey girl." Tina said with the brightest smile ever. "Hey." She walked to me and hugged me taking Amina out of her stroller. She sat in her chair with Amina in her arms as we began our session to figure things out for the wedding that would be next summer. "So colors, what have you and August discussed?" "Red and white, more of a velvet red color and white." She nodded and began to write. "Alright have you thought of an exact date as of yet?" "June 21." I smiled brightly as I thought about the significance of that date to the two of us. She glanced at me and smirked noticing my smile. "What's special about that day?" "Um well when I was 17 and he was 18 that was the first time we ever had sex and I was a virgin then." She lifted her brows and nodded. "That's cute, never had a couple do that before but its unique for two unique people." I nodded. "How many people are coming?" "Approximately 1500, a lot of people in the industry that we both know will be coming then many family members." She nodded writing that down. "Do you have a location you would like?" "Um the ceremony I want in a church but for the reception I want it in a ball room." She nodded. "What's the vision that you have for the wedding so I know what to go off of?" I smiled. "For tables I want red table cloths and the table pieces can be white, white roses in the middle of each table as well. I want the lighting to be white and red as well. I want the seating for each table to be 6 to a table. I want pure white plates as well and things that are white for the table so that it can bounce off of the red table cloth. Oh and i want circular tables, to be honest I can't really think as of right now. That's as much as I can think of I'm sorry. I'm trying to get things for Britt's 5th birthday together." She nodded and smiled. "It's all okay trust me, when is her birthday?" "August 1st." "That's in a month." I sighed and nodded. "I know we have everything set up but now it's more of a rush to make sure everything is okay for my baby. Make sure that the guest list is good and everything." She nodded. "Oh since we are on guest lists, try and come up with one. If you need help just call me any time of the day cause I'm always available." I nodded and smiled. "Ok I will but I have to go, I need to check things for my baby's party." She nodded and handed me Amina and I began to put her in my car seat. "Alright I'll see you next week." I nodded and hugged her and began to walk out the door going to meet Jerome at the location for Britt's party. Things been different between us ever since found out about the kiss. He's been super distant from me during this whole process of planning the party. It's a surprise party and we already know the kinks of what we are going to do, hopefully it all goes well.


"So where my baby mama at?" Chris asked sipping his Hennessy out his red cup. We were in the studio cause he wanted me on the  he was working on for his new album. "Somewhere with Royalty, dumbass you know that." He sucked his teeth looking at me. "I ain't talking bout Mia ass, I'm talking bout Nyla bum ass nigga." I sucked my teeth. "That ain't your fucking baby moms but she at the wedding planners." He nodded but sucked his teeth. "I don't know why you keep playing games you know she wanted me first." "Yah Ight kid." He smacked his lips. "Nigga I'm older than yo young ass, now get yo ass in that booth." I laughed and got up walking in the booth starting my part.


"Yo you see that fine ass chick over there?" I asked Chris as we both sat having lunch with Nyla and Amina. "Yah dude she bad as hell, look at that ass." I guess he caught on to what I was doing and dapped me up as we laughed. I looked at Nyla who was holding my princess with a lifted brow. "Mhm. She must be real fine." She popped her gum and began staring me down. "Yah she was, won't she Chris?" He nodded and smirked looking at his phone. "Mina, you see that gorgeous dark skin man over there with the pretty white teeth?" I looked behind me and there really was some dark skinned nigga walking by. I was only playing with her but she being dead serious. When I looked at her she was drooling licking her lips. Once she realized I was staring at her she smirked and smiled. "Oh I'm sorry, did you say something?" I sucked my teeth. "Nah." Attitude clearly ran through with my accent and she pouted. "I'm sorry baby, he was just so fine." Chris laughed looking at me. "Babe I was only playing bout that chick but you play too much." She laughed. "Baby I was only playing, he not my type. You know I don't like Dark skin niggas, I like my powder puffs like you babe." She leaned across the table for a kiss but I left her hanging. She frowned and sat down nodding her head. She put Amina in her stroller getting up walking to the back near the bathrooms. "See that's why she my main, she played yo ass." Chris said and began to laugh. "Shut the hell up." "Aye don't be cursing around my daughter." He picked Amina up and cradled her. I gave him a straight face and frowned. "Stop tryna steal my fucking family, you got one of your own." He stuck his middle finger up and shook his head. "All four of your kids belong to me and royalty." "Yah okay." Nyla came back and sat down looking at the two of us. She had a look of worry on her face and was looking around. "What's wrong baby?" She was so zoned out she didn't hear me. "Nyla." I semi yelled earning her attention and she looked at me. "Um yes honey?" "What's wrong?" She shook her head no but I could see tears forming in her eyes. "We'll be back." I told Chris nearly dragging her out of her seat and outside. "What's wrong Nyla, be honest before I have to hurt you?" She looked in my eyes and tears started to fall from her eyes. "He wants us dead." She started to cry heavy as she leaned into my chest. I hated seeing my baby cry especially like this. "Who you talking about?" "Some dude named Tyrek." I nodded rubbing her back and wiping some tears away. "Who he want dead?" "Me, you and the kids." I nodded and looked down at her. "It's alright baby, I'll handle all of it trust me. No need to worry, I'll keep you all safe no matter what I got to do. If I got to risk my life trying to keep y'all safe, that's what I'll do but don't worry about any of it. You understand?" She nodded looking up at me. "Give me a kiss." She slowly pecked my lips letting it linger. "Keep kissing me like that and I'll Fuck you right here, right now." She slightly laughed and shook her head. "Always being nasty." "You always gon be good, no need to stress over anything I got us baby." She smiled and stood on her tippy toes to kiss my lips. I pecked her lips a few times before she stood up straight. "I don't feel safe in our home though." I sighed. "Why not?" "He said he knows where we live." "He probably just said that to scare you." She shook her head no. "He showed pictures of us inside the house like he's been watching for a while. He even has pictures of us having sex August, why don't we go stay with my grandparents since I haven't seen them in a while?" I sighed. "You gon feel safe there?" She nodded looking me in the eyes. "Alright you and the kids can stay there for two weeks so I can handle everything else." She slowly nodded her head looking away. "Don't get hurt August." I chuckled. "Oh trust me I won't be the one getting hurt." She shook her head walking back inside ignoring my evil side. I headed back in there and sat down. "Chris we bout to head out cause we got business to handle." He nodded and dapped me up. "Good cause one of my new chicks just hit me up and said I could slide through." Nyla shook her head taking 1 month old Mina away from him. "Keep doing things like that you'll have baby number 2 on the way from a 30 something year old woman who already has a teenage girl." He sucked his teeth waving his hand. "Whatever baby moms bye." He hugged and kissed Nyla and Mina before walking away. After some time we made our way to the car getting settled inside before I started driving off. "Are you sure you just don't want nobody else to handle the situation so you can be with me and the kids?" She asked and I glanced at her shaking my head. "Nah I got this, I need to make sure that y'all are protected at all times." She nodded her head slowly looking out the window on her side. I could tell something was upsetting her still but I wasn't about to pressure her into telling me. She most definitely will tell me eventually, on her own time.


Here I was at another session with Stacy and we seemed to be progressing greatly every time I came here. I have been clean for a month now and that makes me happy to know that one day I will be fully clean and have a chance to see my son and be with him once again. "Alright Morgan so from yesterdays session when we was talking about your parents, I actually have a little surprise for you." I frowned as she got up straightening out her skirt walking towards the door. She opened it and two figures walked in and it was my parents indeed. My mom and step dad looked at me holding light smiles on their face. I looked away from them and to the floor as they sat on the couch beside me. "Hello Mr. And Mrs. King." "Hello." They said in unison and I felt eyes on me but still didn't look up. "Morg, honey." I heard my mother say softly and I looked at her shaking my head. "I prefer you call me Ms. Jones." I heard Stacy sigh but honestly I wasn't even focused on that right now. "Um I called the two of you here today to help Morgan recover from her illness. Her problems started from many places but the root of them comes from the two of you and her deceased father. In earlier sessions she told me about the sexual altercations that happened between her and you, Mr. King. So do you mind telling me about that?" Stacy said turning her head towards him and I did too, just to see if he would lie. "Well if she told you the truth then you should know about her raping me." I frowned and jumped up. "Your lying like you did years ago, you rapped me from the time I was 12 till I was 15. I forced myself to start enjoying it so that it wouldn't be so bad for me. You turned my mother against you sick bastard. I was a innocent little girl and you took the pure part of me away. I went downhill from there because of YOU. You'll pay for all of the pain and suffering I had to go through because of you, I hope you rot in hell. You started out by forcefully taking my virginity and then you took my sanity and I'm done letting you destroy me." He got up and brushed beside me waking out. "Morgan baby I'm so sorry, I should have listened to you years ago but I just didn't want to believe that the one that I loved wanted my daughter instead." She got up and hugged me as I cried into her chest. We rocked from side to side as tears flowed from not only my eyes but from hers too. She kept whispering that she was sorry in my ear but that only made me cry more. I missed my mother so much, even though I didn't want to admit that. I hoped that this moment right here never ended, hopefully we both get back to the point where we are cool again. HOPEFULLY.

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