Chapter 2

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Authors note

I decided to change the baby boys name, so now he's named after August but they are going to call him AJ even though he's not the junior, August Anthony Alsina iii.


"Brittney you need to get dressed so you can see your grandparents." I yelled for the seventh time. I been in Atlanta for 4 days now and Im bout to go back in the studio but my child won't listen. "I don't want to, I want to go with Arie and Aj." She whined. "Look how about if you go get dressed maybe you can ask Uncle August if you can stay with him." A huge smile appeared on her face. "Okay." She ran back to her room and did whatever. I had already dressed the twins and got what they needed in the baby bag. I seen Brittney walk back in my room, for a toddler she dressed pretty well. She had on black jeans, a black plain shirt and her retro 13 Barons. "Brittney go downstairs with your bag and I'll be there in a second." "Okay mommy." I put the twins in they car seat. THen grabbed them and the baby bag walking downstairs. "Brittney you kno your grandparents really miss you and want to see you." I said opening the door and she started stomping and yelling. "I don't want to go." She yelled, tears coming down her face. See I should give her an ass whooping cause I don't know who the hell she think she yelling at but I don't have time. She continued to scream and yell until we got to August house and she was so loud he already heard us coming and was standing at the door. "Mommy please?" She finally said quietly and I sighed. "No Brittney." She started screaming and yelling once again. "What's up with her?" August asked. "She wants to stay with the twins." "Okay and she can stay here I don't mind." I sighed. "Her grandparents want to see her." He nodded and took the twins. She started yelling so loud other people started coming out of their house to see what was going on and now I'm getting really tired of this to the fact I let my anger show on my face. "Yo let me take her inside real quick." I told August and he laughed. "Don't beat her in my house just talk to her." "Yah okay whatever." I grabbed her hand and walked to the nearest bathroom passing a few people that was in the living room but I won't worried bout that. "What's yo problem cause you bout to get whooped?" She wiped her face from the tears. It hurt me to see my baby cry but still she not going to think she can always do and get what she want. "I want to stay, I don't want to go see Grammy and papa." I sighed. "How bout this, you want to come with me?" She smiled brightly and nodded. "Alright fix your face and I'll be in the living room." I said handing her a tissue. I walked to the living room to see knuck, sneak and T along with August and the twins. "Long time no see." Knuck said to me. "Yah, I know." "You whooped that ass?" Sneak asked causing me to laugh. "Nah, I was going to tho she got to much attitude on her." They all started laughing. "You wonder where she get that from, I still remember that time you beat a bitch ass in Yungs kitchen." T said. "Yah I had a lot of attitude but I'm not that person anymore." "That's what you think, you might think you changed but you was like that all your life from what we heard so you'll forever be like that." Knuck said which really got me thinking. I constantly blame all my anger and frustration on my family when all along it was me. I choose my actions and thoughts, not them so why do I even blame them. "Alright umm, August everything you'll need for them is in the bag. If they start crying and you can't stop them play music that usually works but if 10 minutes go by just call me. They are also teething so that also might cause them to cry. If you leave them on the ground I suggest you stay around them cause you can lose them very easily especially Arielle, she doesn't like to stay still. Aj likes attention, so if u don't show him any he will cry as well." I told him and he nodded. "I still can't believe this nigga is a father." Sneak said. Honestly I do feel somewhat bad for what I did, August missed out on the birth of the twins and even though he says it was fine I have a feeling he was a little sad about it. "You thinking about having anymore?" T asked me bringing me out of my thoughts. "HELL FUCKING NO." I said loud but slowly. "Dang so let's just say, you and Yung got back together you wouldn't plan on having another kid since he kind of missed out on these two?" Sneak said. August looked at me, I guess waiting for my answer. Honestly I don't plan on getting back together with August anytime soon especially since I'm talking to Dominic. He called me actually 3 days ago on my birthday and we only talking for now but I don't know what might happen in the future between us. "Now we all know yall both still got feelings for each other so answer the question." T said. I was about to answer when I felt hands on my leg. I looked down and seen Arielle. "Yo how the hell see get out of the car seat?" Sneak asked. "I unbuckled them but never took them out so I guess she climbed." August said as I picked her up. "We still waiting for an answer." Sneak said. "Well I don't have one at the moment." I told him handing Arielle to August. "Well you better have one by the time you come and get them twins cause I'm going to ask again." I shrugged and then seen Brittney come out the bathroom. "You ready to go?" I asked and she nodded. "Say goodbye." "Bye bye." She said to everyone. "I'll be back in 6 hours most likely." "Alright that's a good time, I think I'll still be here at 4pm." Sneak told me. "Okay that's your business but bye yall." I said then me and Brittney walked back to my house. I got my purse and phone and then got in one of my Audi's driving to the studio. I got there and to the room I used to go to, to see a woman and a little boy probably the same age as Brittney. She looked up at me and smile. "Hi I'm Morgan and I know who you are so need for an introduction. I'm a big fan." I smiled. "Thanks." "Well your management wants me to help you produce your album so that's what I'm here for and happy belated birthday." "Thanks." "That's my son Aaron and he's the same age as your daughter so they should have fun." I looked at the two of them who was on the floor talking about whatever. "I think they already are." I said laughing. Morgan seemed like a cool chick already and I barely even know her. I don't really have any female friends anymore cause I've been distant from them. Even my high school friends I haven't talked to any of them since my baby shower with Brittney. "I heard you was pregnant with twins." "Yah, they are with their father." She nodded. "Alright so let's get to business." She said and we started working on a few tracks. We  finished 3 songs in three and a half hours so I was happy we was making progress. We was about to start on the next song when my phone started ringing. I was in the booth so I wasn't close to it. "Who is that?" I asked through the mic. "It says August." "Can you answer and ask what he wants?" She nodded and did so. "He said that Arielle won't stop crying." "Ask him is she holding her face kind of?" "He said yes." "Then she's teething." She told him that. "He said he wants to speak to you." I sighed and got up and walked out the booth and to my phone. "Thanks." "No problem."

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