Chapter 14

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I sat down after laying down a few tracks in the studio. Trying to get a album started and being pregnant is pretty stressful but its all good. June 2 will be here in 2 weeks and im excited to see my baby. August is out on tour at the moment but should be home by the end of the week which are his last shows. He's been on tour for the past 2 months so I haven't really seen him lately but other than that and Amina kicking constantly, life is good. " Aj go get dressed please so you can go to school." He ran off as I shook my head. I made him and Arie some ceral since I didn't feel like cooking. " Mommy I wear this?" Arie asked holding up a sundress that was pink. I nodded and smiled lightly. I was extremely tired from being up all night in the studio because I couldn't sleep and not being able to go to sleep now because I have to make sure the two of them get ready. "Wassup Ms. Fertile." Travis said walking threw the door with Callie. " Good morning Callie." "Good Morning Auntie." She said and then walked to the living room I guess hearing Brittney come through the door with her father who walked in kitchen with me and Travis. " Im not for the shit today travis so if you not going to call me by my name then don't speak to me." I responded to his earlier comment. " What's wrong with you?" Jerome asked. " You want to know whats wrong I cant sleep but im tired as hell. Im 8 months pregnant running after 3 year old children because they constantly need help with things and my fiance is out in some fucking foreign country where he could get hurt from terriost. Im working on an album that I want to drop in August making me have to speed up the process but I can't go but so fast being pregnant. Im stressed the hell out." I replied a little irritated. " If you need some help juggle things by yourself ill help out I aint got no problem with it." Jerome mentioned and I smiled. " Thanks but I need to talk to you about something anyway." I said and then Arie and Aj came and ate their cereal so I didn't finish. " You taking them to school today right Travis?" He looked up from his phone and nodded. " Yah all week, you two hurry up so we can go." He spoke to Arie and Aj but they gave him a stank face continuing to eat. I laughed to myself a little and watched them. Britt ran in and came to me. " Hey mommy." "Hey Britt, I haven't seen you in forever." "Its only been two days, you buggin'." I laughed. " Yo where she learn to talk like that?" I asked jerome. " You, you talk like that all the time with that New York ish." I shook my head. " Dont talk to me like that Britt, you not grown so we gonna start this conversation over before I have to take you upstairs with my belt. Hey Britt." "Hi mommy." She says rolling her eyes a little and walked away. " She got to much attitude." "She gets it from her mother." Jerome respnded to Travis's comment. Its all good she might have all that attitude now but if it continues I will handle it. Once the twins were done Travis left with all the kids leaving me and jerome to talk. " So wassup what we bout to talk about?" He asked. " Remember that chick Simone you cheated on me with and got pregnant?" He sighed with a slight pause before nodding. " What about her?" "Wellll, since I was bored the other day I was doing some lurking and seen she has a son thats around Brittney's age." He shrugged. " Okay and?" "He's actually 3 months younger than her. Remember I was 3 months pregnant when you got her pregnant so I don't think its a coincidence." He sighed. " Ight ill check into it, thanks for looking out but go get some sleep before you stress you and that baby out." I nodded. " You welcome and bye." "Bye ma." I hugged him before I took my ass to my room to sleep.


Hearing that I could possibly have another kid out there makes me mad. Only reason it makes me mad is because home girl kept that shit from me knowing how much I care for whats mine. She knew I was mad at her in the first place for getting the abortion so it would kill me to find out the kid is mine. Me and Morgan's relationship has been on hold due to her insecurities. I couldn't be the only one fighting for our relationship so I just told her maybe we should take a break but that was 3 months ago right after August and Nyla got engaged. Morgan says I don't really love her and she's just a shield so I can hide the love I still have for Nyla. Now im not going to even lie, thats true but not all the way true. Yes, im still in love with Nyla. Yes, I still want to be with Nyla. Yes; I would do anything to get her back but I do love Morgan as well. I love Morgan enough to fight the feelings I have for Nyla and keep going on with my life. At the end of the day I just want Nyla to be happy and if she's happy with August im happy for her and I'll respect it but won't except it. Now that doesn't mean I won't try anything in the future because if I see they ain't working out, ill find my way in. As for me and Morgan I haven't seen her since the day I told her we should take a break and from what I heard she's been pretty distant from everyone including her baby daddy. I would go be the bigger person and go check on her but she moved out of her house to another place and Nyla won't tell me where it's at so I can't. I just need to stop worrying about those females and worry about Brittney because all that other shit is stressing me out. I drove to the airport and got on the plane going to New York. I have some business to handle out there and I been planned to go out there but now I have more business that deals with Simone.

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