IMPORTANT!! 06-28-16

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Alright so this is a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT for all the readers of this particular book and anything I say here doesnt pertain to my other book. Alright so this book is going to be put to a stop because it's hard to do both books by myself without accidentally mixing up the plots. Im not saying it's put to an end forever but it's going to be that way until I finish the series that I have planned for THAT MAID. As of now I dont know how many books that will be but I do know for sure it will be more than 3 so it might take some time till I come back to this particular series. When I do eventually come back to this one I may even start from the first book and change somethings so you'll most likely have to start all over because the book will have a whole new vipe and plot if I do decide to do that. If you really love this book that much and you dont want it to end now, then I suggest if you are a writer yourself or ever even thought about writing and want to help write this book with me(be a co-writer) then I suggest that you inbox me so we can discuss it. Anyway Im so sorry to all of my loyal fans it's just really hard to do both stories and work, and even though it's summer school will start again eventually then I'll have to add that to my plate. With all of that it's hard to find time to write 2 books so like I said before this book is at it's ending unless a co-writer comes up. If not then i wont be back for this back until Early or Mid 2017. Thank you guys.💖💘💞

Peace✌️. Love💖. And Happiness😊.

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