Chapter 6

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Authors note

I know I said chapter 4 was only split into 2 chapters but it's 3 and this is the last one. Sorry for any mistakes you may see.


While Nyla I was sleeping I was just thinking about her behavior all day. I could tell she was stressed the fuck out and it's starting to show. She been sleep for about 15 mins now so I got up and went downstairs. I'm going to talk to her soon, maybe when she wakes up cause she not going to make it far holding in her feelings. Her door opened and Jerome and Craig walked back in. Them niggas only left an hour ago but I guess they was staying till all of them leaving for the club. I sat down and watched these little kids run around. "Yo wassup with her?" Travis asked nodding his head towards upstairs. "I don't know but imma ask when she wake up cause she stressed." He nodded and I seen Brittney jump onto Jerome and how happy she got. I can't wait for my two to get a little older so I could do things like that. I mean when I do marry Nyla I will forever treat Brittney like my own. Shit she did some very important things just for me so i just gotta do it. Everyone was eating and talking leaving plates around causing a mess but I won't thinking nothing of it. I went upstairs to check on the twins and Arie was sleep surprisingly but Aj was awake. I seen tears going down his face so he was upset about something. I picked him up and put his pacifier in his mouth just in case any noise comes out. I went into Nyla's room looking for one of the baby monitors. While I was looking around and bouncing Aj, his pacifier dropped causing him to cry again but this time even louder. I seen Nyla move cause he woke her up and she sat up with a miserable look on her face. "What are you looking for?" She asked with a attitude which caught me off guard. "I'm gon need you to calm that attitude down real quick before there's a problem but where's the baby monitor?" She sighed bringing her hands down her face. "Here." She said reaching behind her giving it to me. I took it from her and looked at her. "Now u can go back to sleep." She shook her head getting up. "No, I'm fine couldn't sleep anyway." She went to the bathroom and I sighed. I picked up the pacifier and cleaned if off before putting it back in Aj's mouth. I walked downstairs with him and sat down on the couch. Callie, Aaron and Britt went back to running around the room playing tag. Hopefully they don't get in trouble cause I know Nyla don't want them running around. Chay, Mya and Kay was sitting beside me on they phones and glanced at the tv every few seconds. "Okay so I believe I said wash out your dishes. You don't have to leave my house a fucking mess, goddamn you act like you can't listen. Your fucking adults you comprehend pretty well." Nyla yelled getting the dishes from off the table. She was mumbling something while she was walking out. "Here we go." Jamal said. "Ay yall sit down before she come back." Travis said and the three of them looked at each other and sat on the floor. "So now yall want to listen to somebody. I told yall to stop running in the house earlier. What I tell u about not listening Brittney?" Nyla yelled once again and Brittney face soften getting red. "Yo watch the way you talking." Jerome said and she turned to him with this NIGGA WHAT face. "What the fuck you just say to me? Nigga I know good and well you ain't just tell me what I can and cannot say out my damn mouth to my child. You want to say some shit that concerns her now but I most definitely remember when she was a month old and you was disowning her. YOU FUCKING LEFT HER AND NOW YOU CARE. Fuck out of here nigga I should fucking kill you for faking your death. Dumb ass mother fucker, you ain't bout to tell me what I'm gonna do or say to my child alright?" She said and yelled through the whole thing. Chandra had managed to get every single child upstairs while Nyla was yelling at Jerome. Since Chandra also took Aj I was free and was about to talk to Nyla. "If you gonna mumble something say that shit out loud Jerome. I mother fucking dare you on that grave of yours. I fucking sware on everything I love I won't miss with the knives this time if you say some smart shit." She started walking closer to him so I got up and pulled her aside. "Yo dead ass get your hands off me for I punch you in yo face." She said to me and now I knew for sure she was bugging. I picked her up and brought her into the bathroom closing and locking the door. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked and she furrowed her brows. "Don't play stupid Nyla, I know you better than anyone does. What's going on, why are you so angry and sad? Your freaking depressed and trying to make your self seem happy but your everything but happy. Tell me what's going on." I told her and her face softened up. She put her hand on her neck looking away from me. Her face was starting to get red and I could tell she was just thinking about a lot of things. "I'm fine August, really." She said forcing a smile but it won't working. She was trying so hard it made her face look funny, I was going to laugh but this ain't no laughing matter. "Nyla." She forced that smile a little more making it look more like one kissing my lips. She pulled away then got off her tippy toes since she's shorter than me and stood straight. She smiled even harder hugging me then pulled away about to walk out. "Nyla Melanie Britney Simone Johnson." I yelled using her long ass name. Shit when I ask her to marry me that's going to be a long ass name to say. That shit is going to strain my voice out. She turned around and looked at me as her face got redder and now I knew it was all about to come out. I walked towards her as she bite the inside of her lip trying to hold back the tears. I held her on my arms and rubbed her back. "Let it out, baby girl." I told her as she cried. "I can't do it anymore." She cried out. "I'm supposed to be happy but there's always someone in the way blocking it." I just listened as she talked. As she kept going she started balling some of her pain on Jerome and her parents for faking their deaths and causing her to want to die herself. But the one thing that confused me was when she talked about the babies she lost. I only knew of one miscarriage so I have no clue what she's talking about. "What babies you lost Nyla?" She looked at  me as I wiped her tears. "Um well you know I had that miscarriage before the twins but I also had one before Brittney." I sighed, I never even knew that. "When?" She tried to catch her breathing up before talking. "Well remember that year, I think it was the year you would have turned 22?" I nodded letting her continue. "Well that was also the year we was supposed to be sitting beside each other at that awards show But I was sick. That wasn't the real reason it was because I had miscarried the day before. I was two months pregnant. I knew about it but Jerome didn't and I still haven't told him about it. You are the first person to ever know other than my doctor." She said and I nodded as her eyes whelmed with tears again. She let them fall but wiped them away herself. She was talking about something's for a while but said this house has a lot of bad memeries for her. Now I know she just got back and we not all the way on good terms but I guess my little surprise can work out now. "Look Nyla stop crying alright. You too beautiful to be crying. I love you with everything inside of me and I promise on everything I love I will never ever hurt you the way they did. I'll try and always be here for you and the kids but you just got to stop stressing yourself out. Stop running from the pain cause it will come back to you one way or another." She nodded as I wiped the stray tears she had left. "I can always help but you just got to let me know. Let me take some of the weight off your shoulders okay ma?" She nodded. "Alright now go upstairs and get dressed cause I got a surprise for you and imma just let you know now you ain't got to accept it now but eventually you will." She laughed a little and nodded. "Thank you for always being there for me August." She said and smiled. "Thank you for being the one I love Nyla." She blushed a little and I kissed her lips. It was nice and soft just how she likes it and my hands found they way to her butt. It really did get fatter since she had them kids, along with her boobs but that's another story 😍😋. She pulled away and giggled. "August move your hand." She said trying to pull them away but I had a tight grip and then I thought about my little surprise. "Ight only cause we got somewhere to be so get dressed real quick. It ain't got to be extra or nothing just something quick." She nodded. "Well shit, I'll just throw on some sneakers and a sweater." She said walking out and I did too. She walked upstairs as I sat on the couch waiting. "Any of yall doing anything tomorrow?" I asked and they all shook they head. "Alright well Jerome you want to take Brittney till Monday or Tuesday?" I asked and he nodded. "Of course." I nodded at him. I plan on doing something else for Nyla tomorrow as well do after everyone come and get the kids im going to have a relaxing day for Nyla. "You got something planned for her?" Tima asked and I nodded. "Well then me and Travis will take he twins." Travis looked at her and frowned. "We ain't bout to be taking care of three kids." He told her. "I'll take Callie cause I know Brittney going to get bored with just me." Jerome said and they all nodded they head in agreement. "Alright that's settled, I'll text yall when yall can bring them back. I'll pack a small bag for each of them as well." They nodded as Nyla came down the steps. "Packing a bag for who and for what reason?" She asked zipping her sweater. "I'll explain in the car now go." She side eyed me but went outside. "I don't know how you get her to listen, she ain't ever do that for me." Jerome said causing me to laugh as I walked outside. We both got in my Range Rover as I started driving. "We having our own time tomorrow just you and me okay?" She nodded. "I already got things settled for the kids cause I don't need you to be stressing." She rolled her eyes at me smiling. I chuckled a little keeping my eyes on the road.

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