"Where is Sasuke!?" The screach from the blonde fox was loud and ear piercing. I turned around to see all of the people I look up to. Naruto, Shika, Choji, Neji, Kiba and his kanine companion. "Takara, where is he?!" He yelled at me with force and anger.

I turned my back to them and bit my lip. "You guys have to leave or you'll be killed." I stated softly, stearing at the wooden box Jirobo was carrying.

"I'll handle them, just go!"  Jirobo Hissed, handing the coffin to Kidomaru.

"Jirobo, you will die if you make such a choice." I sighed not moving my eyes from Sasuke's resting place.

"First you say that they'll die then me?! Just shut up and go!" He hissed.

"Two people can die you know, it's not that hard to do but then again losing you won't be so bad. Goodbye." I started running again, being eyed by my only friends and the four sound duchbags.

Tayuya, Sakon and Kidomaru followed only a few paces behind me. I was screaming in my head for them to hurry up and catch us again. I cursed in my head as the stabbing feeling in my gut twisted a bit. Something happened. I don't know what but I knew it was bad. 

"Hold it right there!" Naruto again. Annoying but relieving at the same time. Thank god.

"Fucking hell, Naruto!" Kiba hissed, Akamaru at his side.

"Takara, why are you with them!?" Neji hissed at me, the perl orbs flickering in the sun light.

"Orochimaru is my farther and this was my whole mission. I'm sorry, I love you guys but I have to obide by my farthers rules." I turned my head away from their horrified expressions.

"You, you evil little liar!" Naruto screeched and lunged at me. I let him take me down and fall from the branch. 

I leand in to whisper to him. "I won't let him lay a finger on Sasuke, that's a promise. Sasuke isn't the only one that wants revenge." With that I dispursed into butterflies again and caught up with Tayuya and Sakon. "I assume Kidomaru is handling them." I spoke, clear and as blankly expressioned as the Uchiha. 

"Yeah, Jirobo should be back though." Tayuya spoke in concern.

"Told you, he'd die." I sighed, speeding ahead to hear her growl.

"Tayuya, I thought you didn't like Jirobo?" Sakon teased.

"I don't but this girl is on a whole new leavle of annoying." She spat, clinging to the coffin.

Around half an hour later it was just Shika, Naruto and Kiba left. Shikamaru looked espessually worried. "So Neji is going to kill Kidomaru, nice pick guys." I smirked. "Give me the coffin." I ordered, doing hand signs. "Enchanted angle jutsu; Fairy wings." I smiled and grew wings that matched the wings of my black and blue butterflies.

"And why should I listen to you?!" Tayuya hissed, sitting the coffin down on the branch.

"Because if you don't I'll kill you and you know very well how easy it is for me to kill a weakling such a yourself." I thretened, activating my rinnegan. She handed me the coffin, slowly and in fear filled shaked of the limbs. "Good, now I'm off." With that I was gone in a flash of onyx and turquoise.

I flew as fast as I could, not seeing anything around me so I stopped to see how far I'd gotten. I turned my head from left to right to see a white flash catch my eye. Kimimaro. I smiled and flew down, landing in silence in front of the pale coloured man. "Takara." He aknowlaged.

"Kimimaro!" I smiled, putting the coffin to the ground and hugging him, tightly. "Why are you up and about? Aren't you meant to be in the imfermery?" I asked looking up into his greeny-blue eyes with a raised eye brow.

"I was sent to help with Sasuke, you better take him back." He smiled down at me, sweetly.

"But you're still sick, what if you don-" I was interupted by his next words.

"Everything will be fine, I promise." He looked sierious but he kept his smile at me. "Now go on, take Uchiha to your farther and I'll see you back there later on." We dropped our arms from the hug and I stepped back.

"Okay, see you later, Kimimaro." I saluted him to resieve a smirk. I turned to the coffin, dug my nails into the wood and flew off again. I flew further and further and faster and faster until I could hear the coffin creek. I stopped and reliesed my jutsu, my wings faded as the coffin exploded to show the one and only Sasuke Uchiha. He had his palm to his face and started laughing like a maniac. "S-Saskue?" 

I stepped forward a bit but I was haulted when I heard that idiot again. "Sasuke!" The blonde fox ninja yelled out, sprinting towards us. 

Sasuke sprinted away to have me follow, close behind. "Naruto, if you hurt kimimaro I'll kill you." I cursed in a whisper as I watched the Uchiha. We came to the waterfall with statues of Madara Uchiha and his brother. "I hate this shit." I sighed sadly as I landed next to Sasuke on the statue of Madara.

"Takara, get him to snap out of it!" Naruto screached.

I bit my bottom lip hard to feel blood escape the harm I caused my self. "Naruto, this was my choice and no one can change it so leave me be." Sasuke spoke up and glanced at me to wipe the blood from my lip with his pale, gentle, slender fingers.

"Why are you doing this, Sasuke?" Naruto spoke with pain in his usually over enthusiastic voice. His chakra holding him on the water, still and steady.

Sasuke spun to face the blonde bombshell. "I'm done playing ninja and waisting my time, Orochimaru can give me the power nessary to achieve my goal." He narrowed his eyes whith a spite filled glare.

"Playing ninja? Saskue, I don't care how badly you want to kill Itachi." I flinched at those words with a high pitch whince in my chest. "If I have to break every single bone in your body to bring you back so be it!" He yelled, jumping up and throwing kunai at the Uchiha.

Sasuke threw kunai back to caounter the attack without even a flinch."Takara, stop him!" Naruto yelled in panick and fear of losing a friend.

"Don't get her into this, Naruto." Sasuke hissed holding out an arm infront of me. "This is between you and me. I hated you for so long, but since we were set on the same team, there's no denying; we became best friends." He sounded sadistic, that dark voice took over like sickness. "And for that reason alone, Naruto, is why I have to kill you."

"Mangeko sharingan!" I hissed to have Sasuke's head spin around to face me. My iris turned red with a butterfly lined in black and my pupil turned to the shape of a small treble clef inside the shape of the insect.  Sasuke eyes grew wide as they locked to mine.

Mystery Girl- Sasuke's treasureWhere stories live. Discover now