Chapter thirteen: Catching up

Start from the beginning

Or was it...

If I were dreaming, I probably would've already woke up. I twitched my arm a bit to wake it up. The next thing I knew, I felt another hand slowly rubbing against my left cheek.

That's when I realized someone else was in the cell with me.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I groaned a bit, then turned my head to the right. And I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Nya. She was smiling at me. My head was on her lap, and she still stroked my head a bit.

"Nya?" I croaked.

Nya's smile became bigger. I smirked. I looked at her lap again. I just loved where I was.

"Well, this is something you don't wake up to every day," I joked.

"Alright, you two," a voice said, "Enough with the puppy eyes. It's time to get going."

I turned to the left to see who it was.


He had the same hairstyle as me, a scratchy beard like Ronin's, a scar by his eye, and two bandages on his left cheek.

"Uhh..." I was speechless, "Are you like my long-lost brother or something?"

The man laughed, "We'll explain later. Now come on, let's go."

The man and Nya helped me stand up. They both put an arm around me to balance me.

When we ran out of the cell, I saw Jay. He was attacking the hounds that struck me.

"Cole!" Jay cried, "You're okay!"

"Stay behind us," The man told me.

Nya and the man helped Jay out. I wanted to help, but--HELLO? I was dying over here. Plus, Evil Lloyd took my powers.

Once they took down the hounds, Jay ran up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I can't believe it," Jay replied, "You're okay. You've been here this whole time?"

"You have no idea," I said weakly.

Nya and the man helped me again. We were trying to find a way out of this....deadly, horrifying place.

"This time, we're taking the elevator!" Jay shouted.

The man rolled his eyes and then followed Jay. The warriors were also after us. The elevator door closed on time.

"Can somebody tell me what the heck is going on here?" I asked.

"It's a long story," Jay began, "You know we went into a portal. First, we went to the city to look for you. We ran into some warriors, then this guy..." Jay pointed at the man, "Saved our butts. And guess what? This guy is you from the other dimension."

I froze. Did he say... another dimension?

"Other di-- dimension?" I stammered.

"Yep," The man nodded, "I was the one that created the portal. Right now, this is the second dimension. This dimension is five years older than yours. Here's what happened. I made a huge, unforgivable mistake to my dimension Lloyd. So that explains why he's evil. My dimension Kai and Jay joined his side. So right now, we're trying to defeat him so the world would be in peace again."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"We were---"

"They were on a mission," Jay interrupted, "Ronin tried to destroy the realm crystal. In the end, Lloyd fell off the cliff and took the crystal instead."

My eyes widened, "What?! Why on earth did you do that? You're a lot more stupid than I am."

"Look who's talking," My other dimension self said, "Anyway, call me Second Cole. It'll make things a lot easier."

"Second Cole? Who--"

"Jay picked it out," Second Cole replied.

Jay giggled, "It never gets old."

The elevator stopped, and the door opened. We gasped as we saw a bunch of warriors in front of us.

"Get them!" The chief cried.

Jay panicked then pressed a whole bunch of buttons. The door closed right on time...again.

"How did they find us?" Jay asked.

"I thought they were above us," Nya said, "Maybe--"

Suddenly, the elevator stopped. The door didn't open. It was stuck.

"Ugh! What happened?" Jay punched the buttons.

"Cut it out!" Second Cole shouted, "Don't make things worse."

"Says the guy who attacked me even though I saved your life!"

"You're still complaining about that?!"

"Would you two stop acting like children!" Nya snapped, "That was like two days ago, Jay. Get over it--"


The place became dead quiet. They all looked away from me in shame.

Suddenly the elevator shook then tilted to the left. We held on to the rails.

"They caught us!" Nya cried.

"You think?!" Second Cole shouted.

A moment later, the elevator started to fall fast. We all few up at the ceiling.

"We're gonna die!" Jay cried.

"Not yet, we're not," Second Cole punched the ceiling to make a whole, "Everyone out!"

We all used spinjitzu to hop out. Luckily, we landed on the floor. It was on the third floor.

We cheered. Nya ran up to me then tightly squeezed me.

"Ow! Nya," I said, "It still hurts."

"Sorry," Nya replied.

Jay glared at me then Nya hugged him. He stopped glaring at me then smiled at Nya.

The next thing that happened, Lloyd and....another Nya came inside.

"Cole!" Lloyd ran up then hugged me.

Okay, seriously, what is with the hugs?!

I looked at the other Nya. She looked around the same age as my other self.

"I'm assuming you're--"

"Second Nya? Yep, that's me," Second Nya said.

"Are you okay?" Lloyd asked.

"What do you think," I showed him my back. Lloyd uttered a cry.

"That's a lot of whip marks," Second Cole joked.

"And soon, all of you will have some!" shouted a voice behind us.

We gasped then turned around. It was the chief and his warriors.

"How did you get to us?" I asked.

"We went up the stairs," The chief said sarcastically, "Now....sleep!"

Suddenly, he gassed us. My eyes started to sting. Everyone else coughed. Nya and Second Cole passed out, then Lloyd and Second Nya.

"Not again...." Jay said before he fell to the ground.

I was no match against the gas. My vision blurred then my hearing disappeared.

All I could hear was the chief laughing, then I fell to the ground, and everything else went black...

Ninjago: Journey to the Other DimensionWhere stories live. Discover now