Chapter ten: The Surprise

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Kai's POV

The place became dead quiet. 

"What...." I said.

"It's true," Second Nya said, "The party found him last night, and now he's being held hostage. Not only that, Lloyd sent us a message."

"Play it," Second Cole said.

"Please don't. It's too much. Even though it--"

"Just play it. It's for the best."

Second Nya froze, then nodded. She took us to their main room, where all the technology was. She pressed a button to play the message.

It was a bit blurry and static, but then it all cleared. I gasped as I saw who it was.

It was Lloyd-- the evil Lloyd. He had pale hair, glowing eyes, and most of his clothes were purple. I have to admit; he looks rather scary.

"Hello, ninja..." The evil Lloyd said in the message, "This message is for my dimension, Cole and Nya. I know what you're up to. Do you think you can stop me, the most powerful man in all of Ninjago City? Ha!"

Second Cole and Second Nya glared at the screen.

"I know you have the Obsidian Fire and Lightning Swords. I already sent my generals to fetch the Earth Sword for me. So don't even try to obtain it!! I'm already one step ahead of you, like always!!!"

Evil Lloyd laughed. Second Cole clenched his hands into fists.

"I'm aware of what your PLAN is. I don't care how, but you've managed to open up another dimension and gather the OTHER Ninja. Or the FIRST dimension Ninja or whatever. Hm, I knew you were too much of a coward to face me alone, Cole. Anyway, have you noticed like-- I don't know, like someone's missing in your group? It's funny because...look who I have!"

Evil Lloyd moved to the left. We gasped to see it was Cole-- our Cole.

He was in venge stone chains. He was shirtless, his arms looked bruised, and he was hanging his head down so we couldn't see his face.

"Cole..." I muttered.

Evil Lloyd laughed, "That's right! He's my prisoner. At first, I thought he was YOU, until I saw his young face. I thought about letting him go, but it was more fun to keep him. Isn't that right, First Cole? Why won't you say hi to your little friends..."

Cole glared at him. Evil Lloyd glared at him back.

"What are you waiting for? Say hi to all those you love! Tell them how much you miss them..."

Cole spits him in the face for denial. Evil Lloyd shut his eyes, then slowly wiped his face. My eyes widened as I saw Evil Lloyd punch Cole hard in the face. We all gasped. I nearly wanted to run through the screen to attack. When Cole looked at the screen, he had a black eye.

Evil Lloyd continued to speak, "Maybe he won't say anything, but I'm pretty sure you will once I get rid of him! But before I do, I'm offering you a deal. If you bring me the Obsebion Swords, I'll let him go. Don't even think about tricking me. I know your every move. That is all I want to say. But remember, if you ever want to see your friend again, I suggest you take my advice."

The screen went black. Everyone stared in horror.

"Great," I said, "Just great. What are we going to do now?"

Second Cole slowly turned back to us, "We have to get the Earth Sword before they do. We need to stay on schedule."

"What?!" I cried, "But what about our Cole? We can't just leave him with Lloyd! We have to save him."

Ninjago: Journey to the Other Dimensionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن