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Victoria's POV

Son of a bitch! I can't even believe this. I'm so mad that I'm calm. Which is interesting because I don't love him anymore and Nicole she know better! It's GIRL CODE: NOT TO DATE YOUR FRIENDS EX FUCK BUDDY ASSOCIATED THEMSELVES WITH SEXUALLY! And it's awkward as fuck because both of the guy I used to sleep with are sitting at the same table as my boyfriend. But I'm not gonna let there little relationship (if that's what you wanna call it) ruin my night out with Charles.

"So how long have you too been dating?" I asked resting my hands under my chin looking at both of them. Their demeanours have me cracking up from the inside because Johnathan looks so uninterested and Nicole knows what she is doing wrong.
"About three months." Nicole answered me wrapping her arm around Johnathan and kissed his cheek. I internally rolled my eyes. Bitch. Yes I'm bitter I'll admit it and you know you would be too.

The waiter came up to us to take our orders and I ordered the strongest drink possible because Lord knows I need it. Once our food and drinks came, throughout the dinner I was just getting more angry. I didn't show my emotions. But I had to excuse myself before I cut both of them.
"If y'all would excuse me I need the ladies room." Charles let me out and I headed to bathroom.

Johnathan's POV

Damn. I knew what I would be involving myself in when I started messing around with Nicole. I mean she is cool and all but I don't like her in the sense of my girlfriend. I'm just using her to get closer with Victoria. I haven't seen her since she cut all ties with me. She never told me why but I guess this dude she came with is the reason. In all honesty I'm pissed that Nicole never told me exactly who we were going to double date with. If I knew it was Victoria I would've stayed my ass home.

"So Charles how long have you and Victoria been together?" I said taking a bite of my salad.
"We just celebrated our six month anniversary yesterday."
"Aww it's been six months already?" Nicole asked with excitement while sipping her wine.
"Yeah and it's been amazing." he said. I had noticed it's been awhile since Victoria came back from the bathroom.
"If you two would excuse me." I left the table and headed to the bathroom.

As I was headed to the bathroom I bumped into someone.
"I'm sor-." a voice said. It Victoria and she realized it was me she rolled her eyes and kept it moving. But I grabbed her arm before she could get any further. And pulled her back by the bathrooms. "What do you want?" she asked with irritation in her voice.
"How have you been?"
"Well considering that fact I'm sitting at a table with my ex lover and my best friend who shouldn't even be associating herself with him. I'm peachy!" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Look Tori I-."
"Don't call me that."
"Okay look if I would've known it was you that would be at this dinner I wouldn't have came.
"See you don't get it. You shouldn't even be with her at all because you know she is my best friend... well was. So you knew our paths would cross eventually, so don't even try it." she yelled in a whisper. I can tell she was getting a little emotional. Does she still have feelings for me?

"Victoria I'm sorry. I really am."
"You damn right you're sorry."
"But I can't let you go without say what I need to say. I've been thinking about you since the day you left me that not saying goodbye. You could've at least told me face to face." As I said that a tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb. "I never told you this before but I'm going to tell you now. I love you Victoria from the moment I first met you and until now. "I haven't stopped and in all honesty I don't think I can. It wasn't just sex between us. It was more and you know that. I know you used to watch me while I was sleep. I know when you're nervous or uncomfortable you grab your earlobe. I know you when you're irritated you the wrinkles i  your forehead show and I knew that you were pregnant while we were in New York and I know why you did what you did." I felt her tense up. "And I'm not mad at all. I knew about Charles. I'm not and I can't be because we weren't together. " I took a deep breath "I just had to get that off my chest."

After saying that he body language changed.
"Happy for you, now can you let me go?" but I didn't instead
"I just poured my heart and soul out to you and all you can say is 'I'm happy for you.'? I said as I began to squeeze her arm tightly.
"Johnathan I suggest you let go of me or I will embarrass the hell out of the both of us." with that being said I let her go and she walked back to the table.

This isn't over Victoria.

Victoria's POV

I didn't expect him to say all of that to me. So of course I got emotional. I'll admit I missed him, hell I'll even admit sometimes when I have sex with Charles I think about Johnathan. But there was something different about him. Not his usual self, it was like this darkness came over him. I just want to get him out of my mind and life.

Charles' POV

I'm confident that Victoria and Johnathan knew each other from a previous time in their lives. I can tell by the way they look at each other. But if I have to fight for the woman I love I will! Ain't no way in hell I'm gonna ol' homeboy come back in her life and swoop her away from me. He lost his chance.

"Charles I'm ready to go." she whispered in my ear and she walked out. I knew something had upset her. Johnathan  was right behind her.
"Uh alright babe. Nice meeting y'all." I said standing looking and Nicole and him before paying for pur portion of the bill and practically chasing her out the restaurant.
"Babe slow down." I said before catching up to her. "Are you alright? Talk to me, what's wrong?"
"I just wanna go."
"Alright." we walked to the car and I opened the door for for, and headed to my side then drove away.

Nicole's POV

With what just happened between Victoria I know Johnathan said something to her but I'm not sure what but it clearly pissed her off.
"What was that about?" I asked Johnathan as he sat down next to me.
"Nothing. Let's go." he said his voice got deep I can tell he is upset, but that ain't got shit to do with me. When we were in the car he was squeezing the hell out of the steering wheel his knuckles were starting to turn white.

"Don't you ever  pull that shit again."
"What are you talking about?" I asked clearly clueless.
"Why didn't you tell me Victoria is the 'friend' we were double dating with?"
"I didn't think it would matter."
"Do you know how fucking stupid you sound right now? We used to be in a associated with each other! And you didn't think you should've told me?"
"I didn't because I knew you wouldn't have come." We argued the entire time. And I was starting to get a headache.

We finally arrived at my house. I got out the car and slammed the , and he sped off. And I headed inside my house. I'll admit that I was wrong for pulling a stunt like that. And clearly Johnathan is still feeling Victoria for him to go off on me like that. But he'll get over it and her.
Y'all it has been awhile! But I'm back and well. Not really feeling this chapter but I wanted to just give y'all something because the wait has been long. Hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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