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Victoria's POV

I opened my eyes and everything was a complete and total blur. I coughed due to the smoke, as my vision began to become to clear and I realized the car upside down. I unbuckled my seatbelt and caught myself from hitting my head on the roof. I tried to open my car door and to my surprise it opened. I crawled out to see the damage, and there was plenty. People came rushing to me and my vision started acting up again. I couldn't really tell if the were EMTs or bystanders. Then my vision focused again I noticed they were bystanders asking if I was okay. I wiped my head thinking it was sweat due to the heat from the car but it was blood. I stood up from the ground and searched the car and saw Sam unconscious still buckled in, but I didn't see William. I started to panic then I ran to the other side of the car and saw his body laying in the street face down I tried to wake him up, but he just wouldn't budge. Moments later I heard sirens which made my ears rings like crazy. Majority of the EMTs ran to the car with gurneys, and couple EMTs came to me. Before I could even get a word out I blacked out.

Mercy Memorial Hospital

I woke up to bright white light I heard beeping and noticed a person walking around me. I tried to get up but this person restricted me of doing so.
"No, Mrs. Bradford you can't get up, we still have to do some more tests."
"Who are you? How many more? And where is my family?!" I asked throwing questions at her and became a little hostile.
"Well to answer your questions Mrs. Bradford I'm Nurse Jackie, just one more and let me go find out that information for you." I took a deep breath, nodded and she left. As time went by I became impatient due to the fact that I've been waiting twenty minutes. She finally came back with an unreadable look o her face.
"Well, where are they?" I asked with an attitude
"Your daughter is just fine she just has broken arm." She took a deep and said words that a wife would never would want to hear.

"Um... as for your husband ma'am I'm sorry, he didn't make it." my heart completely dropped. "He suffered a lot of internal bleeding, a punctured lung, and a broken neck." My world just came crashing down. I never would've thought I would have to visit my husband at a grave for the rest of my life. I began to cry and she began to comfort me. I took a shaky deep breath.
"What about the other person?"
"Uh he is okay just a couple scrapes and bruises." A couples scrapes and bruises this son of a bitch walks away and my husband is dead?! This has to be a dream. I thought to myself. "But there is something you must know." she said as she closed my room door. "Legally I'm not suppose to give this information, but I thought that you should know the man who hit you was intoxicated."

My blood began to boil. WHO THE HELL DRINKS THAT FUCKING EARLY IN THE MORNING?! She apologized again.
"Is it okay if I see my daughter?"
"Of course but only for a little bit because I still have to give your final test. But just let me grab a wheelchair." She left while I began to get out of the bed with my legs dangling over the bed still trying to process everything. She came back and told me to take it slow. I got comfortable in the chair then she wheeled me down the hall.

Samantha's POV

The doctor finished adding a cast to my arm, it was very painful. He told me it was broken in two places and that I would need to keep it on for six weeks. Which irritated me because in half of those weeks I'll be graduating and I still have to take my senior photos and I don't want them to come out awkward. I'll probably have to do all side shots. I thought to myself. As I was texted my friends on my cracked phone (that needs to be replaced immediately because cracked iPhones are unattractive) I was informing them of my condition, I heard my mother's voice. I got out the bed and ran to give her a gentle hug. While the nurse wheeled he into my room. As soon as she settled in my room and the nurse left, I could tell something was wrong with her.

"I'm glad to see you're okay mom." she gave me a faint smile, which worried me. "Mom where's dad is there any news on him?" when I asked her that she completely broke down, which broke my heart because I knew exactly why. "What happened?" I asked fighting back my tears.

"They said he suffered internal bleeding, a punctured lung, and a broken neck." she answered me looking down. I got up from the bed and kneeled down and wiped her tears away.

"Mom we're going to get through this together." She nodded her head i the crook neck.
"Have you called your brother?" she said looking up and giving me a kiss on my forehead. I shook my head 'no' and got up from kneeling and walked to get my phone. I began to feel faint. Next thing I know everything goes black.

Charles' POV

I swear if I see this damn hospital one more time! My baby girl Mariah who is eight suffers from Leukemia she is the strongest little girl I know. I'm sorry where are my manners my name is Charles Madison, I'm a lawyer. I always wanted follow in my father's footsteps, and now I am. I just recently became divorced, which couldn't have come at a more worse time. Mariah has had Leukemia since she was three and in that time bills kept piling up, my ex wife Cynthia just couldn't handle the stress or to see our daughter slowly die. And she hasn't seen her since, Mariah constantly asks about her whereabouts and I constantly make an excuse. When that time comes I will tell her that she has missed the important memories she could've had.

"How's daddy's baby girl doing?" I said entering her room with something behind my back.
"Daddy!" she said turning her head away from Spongebob Squarepants. Just hearing her voice makes my life complete. "I'm fine, just tired." she said turning back to the TV.
"That's just the medication sweetie, I brought you something." pulling from back was teddy bear with her name on the stomach.

"Thank you daddy." she said giving it big bear hug (no pun intended) as she continued watching TV. I began to watch her and became deep in my thoughts on how my would life be without her. I know I should be positive but... the more I see her the weaker she looks. It's just too much to handle. All of a sudden I heard a scream which snapped me right out.

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