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Issac in MM

Issac's POV

Since yesterday my mom and I haven't been really talking. I made up my mind and let her date. By I'm giving her my blessing. But I noticed when she came home from work she was happy as hell. I know something is up because her and Samantha were giggling and shit. And it's getting rather annoying. I went upstairs to her room still hear them giggling. So I bust in her room and they both jumped.

"What the hell?! You scared us." Samantha said sitting on mom's bed.
"What's with all this giggling and shit? And where do you think you're going with that on?" I see my mother in this body hugging black dress.
"Watch your mouth, and I'm just getting ready."
"To go where?" I said was curiosity. "But before you answer that I want you to know that you have my blessing to date again."
"All thanks baby." she came up to me squeezing my cheeks.

"But I didn't need your blessing anyways, I'm grown ass woman." She wanted me and Samantha laughed. "But to answer your question I'm going on a date. He will be here soon."
"Well damn that was fast. Can we at least meet him?"
"Sure." she said putting the finishing touches on her makeup just then her phone rang and she answered.

"Hello?... yes... that would be nice... alright bye." She hung up smiling from ear to ear.
"Was that him? I asked.
"Yeah he's right around the corner." she said putting on her shoes.
"I'm glad you're funny your happiness again mom." Samantha said as she hugged our mom. Just then the doorbell rang.
" Alright that's him. I want you two on your best behavior because if not... " She gave us an raised eyebrow. We all headed down stairs, and she answered the door.

Victoria's POV

The fact that Issac thought I would need his blessing to date cracks me up. I know he is being protective over me but I can take care of myself.

"Hey." I said as I opened the front. He looks so handsome.
"Hey beautiful." Ugh that smile.
"Can you say corny?" I heard Issac say under his breath I snapped my fingers at him.
"Please come in." he gave me a kiss on my cheek before entering my house. "This is my son Issac, and my daughter Samantha." they shook his hand
"Nice to meet you. I can see where Samantha gets her beauty from." Samantha blushed hard, and I play hit his arm. While Issac made a gagging noise. I gave him the look. He straightened up real quick.
"I'll be right back I gotta get my purse and keys." he nodded his head and I headed up to my room.

Charles' POV

I'm beyond nervous for this date. When she answered the door looked amazing shining that beautiful smile. Her home is beautiful as well, her children seem like amazing kids. But I can tell that Issac isn't too fond of me.

"Anyways, so you taking my mom out tonight?" he said walking up to me.
"Yeah, we're going to The Lighthouse."
"Isn't that the new seafood restaurant downtown?" Samantha said sitting on a barstool.
"Well, you better act right or I will come looking for you." He said with extra bass in voice getting in my face.
"I won't try anything, I promise.
"Alright leave him alone." Samantha said pulling him back out of my space.
"I'm ready." Victoria said coming down stairs.
"Let's go."
"If y'all need me for an emergency call me."
"Yes ma'am." Issac and Samantha said at the same time.
"Don't wait up for me!" she yelled as we headed out the door.

After the Lighthouse

Victoria's POV

The food was amazing the conversation was even better. I'm actually glad I went on this date with him... well actually I won't call it a date, it's more like a friendly dinner. I offered to pay the tab, but he insisted. We were driving back to my house down the highway enjoying the LA Breeze.

"I hope you had a good." he said keeping his eyes on the road.
"I had an amazing time." there was a moment of silence s he continued driving I noticed he missed the exit. "Charles you missed the exit." I said pointing in the right right direction.
"No I didn't, I got a surprise for you. Open the glove box there is a blindfold in there." I looked at him confused.
"What of kinky shit are you into?" he chuckled.
"I'm not just put it on." I sighed and did so.

Minutes later the car finally stopped and he helped me out. I was nervous, thinking I was going to get kidnapped but when we came to a stop finally he took off the blindfold and I was in ah. We were on the beach with a blanket and candles and my favorite strawberry cheesecake.

"Aww Charles thank you." I said. It felt something from a movie. We looked into each others eyes and them it happened. Once our lips collided I knew it was actually happening. He had been pursuing me ever since our eyes met. In some way we were connected and I don't mean just physically. We remained that way, connected. Looking into his eyes I felt something I didn't want to feel. I wanted him.

Bradford Residence Around 2 a.m.

That was the best night of my life! Oh my goodness, he is such a gentleman. He is just amazing! I didn't expect us to kiss be we did. I would definitely see him again if he asked. He dropped me off at around 2 in the morning... it is very difficult to creep back into your own house, without waking up the whole house. I finally made it up into my room preparing myself for bed, but there was a knock on the door... so much for not waking up the house.

"Who is it?"
"Sam." after the death of William, Samantha wanted to go by Sam all of a sudden she said it's a new way of life. I don't know maybe it's some sort of teen midlife crisis or something.
"Come in sweetie." She came running in my room jumped on my bed asking a million questions at one.
"How was it? Did you two kiss? What did you guys order from The Lighthouse?"
"Sam, slow down!" then I explained my night with her, I could tell that she is really happy about me moving on.
"Aww that is goals! I'm glad you had good time mom." she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Well I'm going to bed goodnight mommy." she hugged me, and walking out the door closing it behind her.
"Goodnight sweetie." and soon as my door closed I got a text for Charles.

Charles: Just wanted 2 letchu know I made it home like you asked & 2 tell u I had an amazing time w/ you 2nite, hopefully we can do it again (Delivered at 2:23)

Charles: Dinner that is (Delivered at 2:23)

Victoria: LOL I know what u meant & me 2 . . . just let me know when ☺ (Sent at 2:25)

Charles: Alrite goodnight beautiful (Delivered at 2:26)

Victoria: Night ❤ (Sent at 2:26)

And off to sleep I went . . . with a big ass smile on my face.

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