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Victoria's POV

After freaking out over Samantha, I was finally sent home after Samantha passed out, she is still in the hospital. My job gave me a lot of time off, and my best friend Nicole has blowin me up my phone. I know she is worried sick about me but I just don't want to be bothered. It is lonely in this house with no one here especially my husband. Yesterday I had to go the hospital morgue to view his body. Which was very difficult to do because he was so unrecognizable. I've haven't really eaten, but when I do it's just a nutrition bar. I finally got out the bed took a shower and got dressed to head back to the hospital to see Samantha. I had gotten a new car, and as much I hate driving now at this point in my life, I don't really have a choice. As I'm driving I drove passed where the accident was. My eyes began to well up, thinking I could control the flow but I couldn't. I pulled to the side of the rode and a moment to myself. After I pulled myself together I made it to the hospital. Walking through the hospital lobby I went to the elevator and waited patiently. I got on and headed up, I finally reached the proper floor. As I got off I peeped this tall chocolate man leaning against the wall on his phone. I looked away before he peeped me peeping him. I think he saw me. Once I made it to Samantha's room to see her sleeping. I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Hi baby." I said said as she fluttered her eyes open.
"Hey." she answered in a groggy tone of voice."How long do I have to be here, because I wanna go home and graduate on time." she said sitting up in the hospital bed.
"The doctor said you can come home tomorrow, and I also called your brother he is going to be flying in this weekend for your father's funeral." I said standing next to bed side.

She nodded her head and turned away looking out the hospital window. And I saw a tear fall from her eye. "I know baby, I miss him too." I said wiping the tear from her cheek, and wiping a tear from my cheek. "Look babe, I'll be right back imma head to the cafeteria."
"Alright". Was the last thing I hear her say before exiting her room.

Charles' POV

I felt someone's eyes on me I looked up but she looked away quickly I laughed to myself. She was beautiful. She had on this pink and white jogging suit that shaped her backside perfectly. I honestly think I was staring a little too hard, I watched her until she walked into a hospital room. Several minutes later she exited the room.

"Excuse me miss?" I said tapping her shoulder.
"Yes?" she turned around I can tell that she has been crying.
"You know I saw you see me earlier." I chuckled as a smile came across her face. And it was bright enough to light the darkest room.
"Yeah, I'm sorry if I was being a little creepy." she stated shyly biting her lip.
"No, you weren't being creepy at all. I know I'm good looking. So people don't have a choice but to stop and stare."
"Conceited much?" she said tilting her head trying to read me.
"Never that." then there was an awkward silence between us.

"Well I'm heading to the cafeteria would you like to join me?" she said with that million dollar smile.
"Sure just let me go check on my daughter."
"You have a daughter?" she said with a smile on her face.
"Yea." I stated with hesitation thinking she'll take back her invite.
"No, I don't have a problem with it, it's just that I do too." I internally sigh with relief.
"I'll meet you down there." she nodded her head. After I checked on Mariah I headed down to the cafeteria and saw her sitting at a table by the window drinking coffee.

Victoria's POV

As I was sipping my coffee I saw him enter. He got some food, then headed over to where I was sitting. As he sat down I got a wiff of his cologne, he smells wonderful and he is very handsome. Wait! Victoria stop, your husband just died less than 48 hours ago! He cleared his throat which brought me out of my thoughts.

"So, who are you here to see?" he asked taking a bite of his waffles.
"My daughter." I said taking a sip of my coffee.
"Oh, what happened, if you don't mind me asking."
"No, not at all." I explained all that went down in the last two days. As I was telling the entire story I began to cry. He grabbed my hand which sent chills through my body. Which also calmed me down dramatically. I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

He then told me about his situation with his daughter and ex-wife. It broke my heart to think a mother just abandon her child. Especially when their daughter needs her the most. For about another thirty minutes we talked literally about everything. I then checked my phone and realized how much time went by. I know Samantha is probably worried sick about me.

"Shoot! I have to go back to my daughter, she's probably worried sick." I said getting up from the table.
"Alright we'll its was nice meeting and talking to you -" he said holding his hand out.
"Victoria, yours?"

Victoria . . .

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