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One Week Later - William's Funeral

Victoria's POV

Well today is the day I lay husband to rest. Just waking up this morning was difficult. I woke up staring at the ceiling for what felt like forever. Just still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that my husband is gone. My heart is heavy but my children are with me and they are making this day a little better. My son flew in the Samantha came home from the hospital and I've noticed a change in him. He and his father we so close, pretty much have done everything together. And I see how his father's death has affected him. This is the hardest time for us but I know we will get through this. But honestly I just want this to be over.

"... Ashes to ashes, dust to dust: In sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died was buried, and rose again for us. To him glory forever. Amen."

The pastor said as they lowered his casket into the ground. With Samantha crying on my shoulder. While Issac was still, not even blinking. When I called him about his father he didn't react, he was calm. I tell him it's okay to show his emotions but his father taught him otherwise.

Samantha's POV

Seeing my father's coffin go into the ground is so heartbreaking. He told me all the amazing things we would do after I graduated. What's worse is that I witnessed my mother straight lose it. And honestly I'm glad she did because she needed to cleanse. But my brother on the other hand is in another world. He doesn't take death very well. When is long-time girlfriend Lilah died on graduation night in a car accident it tore him apart. It changed him into someone I don't even know anymore. Never cross him and that's all I'll say about that.

Issac's POV

Deep down inside I know, this wasn't an accident. All I'm gonna say is that my father had his secrets, and my mother nor my sister knew about. Hell my father didn't even know I knew. I will get these motherfuckers who were involved in my father's death.

Victoria's POV

It's been three months since William's passing. It gets a little easier everyday. Samantha graduated on time! She was out of school for a week and a half, which worried me. She worked her ass off and I'm proud. She also got her car she was ecstatic, tears and all. She now attends Berkeley, which I'm shocked because she said the first chance she got she is getting the hell out of California. Now I'm here in this big ass house by myself. I thought about getting a smaller place maybe a condo but it's still up in the air. I'm heading to the law firm Madison & Madison Law for the past couple months I've been wanting justice for my husband. I won't be able to sleep until I know justice has been served. As I'm heading to the law firm I went to get breakfast. As I pulled into the parking lot of the law firm I doubled checked my makeup I was looking good. For who? you may ask. For my damn self! As I walked into the talk 20 story building I headed to the elevator. As it was about to close I heard a familiar voice, it was him.

Madison & Madison Law

"Hold it!" Charles said squeezing through the closing elevator doors. "Hey you, what are you doing here?"
"I'm actually heading up to Madison & Madison Law I have an appointment." I answered and he looked at me with a smirk on his face. "What are you doing here?"
"Well I work here." he responded with that same smirk on his face.
"Really what floor?" before he could answer the elevator dinged letting me know I've reached the correct floor.
"This floor, I'll see you around." he winked before letting me off and we went our separate ways. I walked up to the receptionist desk.

"Hi, welcome to Madison & Madison Law my name is Joanna how can I help you?" she said smiling a little too hard. Probably too much coffee.
"Hi Joanna my name is Victoria Bradford I have an 10:30 appointment with Mr. Madison." she nodded and picked up her phone and have a ten second conversation informing him I had arrived.
"Mrs. Bradford, Mr. Madison will see be with you shortly. Please have a seat and feel free to have some refreshments." she said pointing to the waiting area.

About ten minutes later Joanna's phone rang and called for my name
"Mrs. Bradford?" she said as I looked up from my phone in her direction "Mr. Madison will see you now. Let's head over to conference room C." I nodded and we headed to the conference room. I entered and there he was . . . Charles.

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