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Bradford Residence

Victoria's POV

Just another day in the Bradford household. My name is Victoria, I am a wife, teacher of fifth graders at Jackson Preparatory Elementary School Home of the Titans, and a mother of two amazing children. Their names are Issac and Samantha. Issac is a sophomore in college at Morehouse and I'm beyond proud of him and my baby girl Samantha she's a senior in high school. She'll be graduating in less than three weeks. She keeps bugging the hell out of me about a car ... little does she know my husband already got her one but we have it in hiding. And of course my husband William who is a stockbroker, he and I have been married going on fifteen years. We were highschool sweethearts. I honestly never thought we'd would be married this long. Now don't get me wrong I love him to the moon and back but being that we eloped at a very young, I thought we would get tired of each other after one week of being married to each other. But I guess I was wrong. Enough about me let's continue shall we...

"Samantha Michelle Bradford if you don't get your butt up, you're gonna be late for school!" I yelled from the kitchen as I was preparing breakfast.
"Mom you really need to take a chill pill, it's too early in the morning to be yelling." she came to the top of the staircase she said while yawning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Thirty minutes later she came down the stairs into the kitchen, sitting at the island.

"You know you can't be late anymore, your principal called me and said if you're are late again you'll be put you audit and you won't be able to graduate. And I know you don't want that. The school year is almost over, just suck it up and get up on time. Plus you know how this LA traffic is." Samantha rolled her eyes.
"Well, if had my own car you nor I would have this problem, now would we?" she said with an attitude.
"Your father and I already told you aren't getting one so you might as well get that thought out of your head."
"That's the dumbest idea ever." she said under her breath.

"And it's comments like that that won't get you a damn thing." I said as putting her plate of food and a glass of apple juice (she despises orange juice) in front of her
"You heard me?" she asked taking a bite of her pancakes.
"I'm a mother, your mother I hear everything. Now finish your breakfast so I can take you to school." She nodded her head.

I went upstairs to check on William to see if he's ready because just like Sam he takes forever to get ready. She definitely gets that from his side of the family.
"Babe come on, do you want to be late for work?"
"I'm almost done, but can you drop me off at work?" he said as he was fixing his tie in the mirror.
"Yea, but it's gonna have to be after I drop off Sam." I said putting on my ear rings behind him.
"That's fine." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Alright, I'm leaving in five minutes." He nodded as patted the door and I headed out our bedroom heading back down stairs.

"Sam you ready?" I asked as she put her dishes in the dishwasher.
"Yes, and don't called me that." I ignored her he correction.
"Babe I'm heading out. Let's go!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs with my purse and keys in hand.
"I'm coming." he said as he walking down the stairs.
"Good morning daddy, I'm going to guess that mom was upstairs bugging you about being late too?"
"You already know." he said with a wink and they laughed together.

"Alright you two a let's go." As we headed out the door and I locked up. This weird feeling came over me but I just shook it off.

We hopped in the car and headed to Samantha's school.
"Damn it. I knew I should've taken the side streets. This LA traffic is ridiculous!"
"Well at least I have more time to go over paperwork." William said.
"And I get more time to tweet." Samantha said as I chuckled to myself.
"Babe can you please buckle up? I don't want to get a ticket nor you get injured or worse if I was to get into an accident."
"I'll be fine." he brushed it off while I sighed in frustration because he does this all the time and he knows it annoys the hell outta me.
"Sam are you buckled in?"
"Yeah, and ma didn't we just have this conversation at the house. I want SAM-AN-THA not SAM!" she said in a annoyed tone.
"I don't see what the big deal is, but I will try and William why can't you be more like Sam-antha" William didn't answer because he was so focused into his work. While Sam scolded me rearview mirror as I tried to correct myself.

We finally made it out of traffic. The light just turned green, and I started to drive as I get half way through the intersection. I was t-boned at full impact, causing the car to flip three times and everything went black.

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