CHAPTER TWELVE (The Christmas Special)

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Three Days Later - Mariah's Funeral

Charles' POV

I just wanted her to make to the holiday's. I'm happy to say that Cynthia was clean enough to come to the funeral. But she couldn't keep her composure. Victoria came and she sat right next to me with our fingers intertwined with each other. She honestly didn't have to come but she insisted because the time she shared with Mariah she will cherish forever.

"Mariah Zoë Madison was taken from us way too soon, but she had a smile that was bright, and a laugh that was contagious, but know she is now smiling, and laughing from Heaven." the pastor stated as a tear ran from Victoria's eye as she laid her head on my shoulder. After the funeral we headed to cemetery where she would be laid to rest.

"... Ashes to ashes, dust to dust: In sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died,was buried, and rose again for us. To him glory for ever. Amen." the pastor said as Victoria placed the bear she got her on top of of her casket then Cynthia and I sprinkled Lily petals (her favorite flowers) on top of her casket as it was being lowered. I will miss my princess.

After the Repass at Charles' House

Victoria's POV

Charles hasn't cried at all today, I hate to be around when it does actually happen. I was just finish cleaning up after the repast, and I realized I have seen Charles for a while. I went searching through his house. I heard muffled cries. And there he was sitting on Mariah's bed crying his heart and soul out. I went over to him and embraced him he cried so hard that I began to cry with him. He looked at me I wiped the fallen tears from his eyes and he wiped mine.

Charles' POV

I stared in her brown eyes, and went and gave her a kiss. I carried her to my bedroom without breaking the kiss. I crawled to her. As her lips smashed into mine I felt uncomfortable maybe it was happening because I was vulnerable. I just wanted to stop but that wasn't gonna happen. I sat her up on the bed, we unbuttoned each others tops popping off some buttons. I lined her neck with kisses. She moaned slightly, as I reached her breast I unclipped her bra and noticed she had a nippl epiercing, I couldn't leave it hanging I start licking and sucking on her nipple and she straight lost it. I moved lower and pulled off her panties and devoured her sweet center. She moaned, could barely talk, all she could do was release moans and become aggressive. She released and she welcomed me into her love. I flipped us over , she was on top. I grabbed her ass, forcing her to go up and down as I pumped like a madman. Her breasts were against his damp chest. My heartbeat was as strong and rapid as hers. I moaned I was trying to hold her down on my erection, clinging to me, moaning like she needed to experience all of me. I refused to move because if I did I would come and lose control. I was throbbing, growing harder, getting wider, and it never felt better. She whispered in my ear

"Is it good to you baby?"

I moaned, could barely talk. I was coming her orgasm attempted to induce mine. My orgasm teased me, tickled me, sent electricity and brushed fire against my damp skin. she held me until my erection no longer existed, until he was soft. My face was damp with sweat. My eyes were tight. My mouth was open wide and my breathing was intense.

Victoria's POV

An with an instant second we came together. I had to catch my breath. He was so strong, body so hard, so well defined, yet after coming he was so weak! So vulnerable, I bent down and gave me a passionate kiss. It was magical. Then fell asleep into his arms.

Later that Night Around 8pm

Charles' POV

I woke with a tightness around my waist. It was Victoria's arms wrapped around me. She is so beautiful when she sleeps. I kissed her forehead. I eased out of bed not waking her . Hopped in the shower after a couple minutes in there I felt arms wrap around my waist. Victoria was placing several kissed on my back. I turned around to face her. Let's just say we are in the ring for round two!

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