"Hey mom, hey dad
When did this end?
When did you lose your happiness?
I'm here alone inside of this broken home

Who's right, who's wrong?
Who really cares?
The fault, the blame, the pain's still there.
I'm here alone inside of this broken home.
This broken home."

I finished the song and took off the headphones, waiting for the girls reaction. They all smiled, giving me thumbs up, and Alex, our sound guy, nodded along, pressing a few buttons. I fumbled with my sleeves and he finally turned the sound.

"That's good. I like it." He said and I smiled, leaving the booth. "Alright, I think we're done for today. See you guys Thursday."

We all the left the studio and I told the girls goodbye, promising to see them for brunch tomorrow. I checked my phone as I got in my car and noticed a text from Michael. He had called in dinner and asked if I could pick it up. I put my phone away and drove to the nearby Chinese place, going inside to get the food.

I paid for dinner and carried the bag out to my car. I unlocked the door and opened the backseat, setting the bag down. Just as I shut it, a hand was placed over my mouth and my eyes widened. I struggled in the persons hold and they drug me to the alley next to my car. I tried to scream but he kept a hand over my mouth.

They turned me around and I was faced with Ryan Holland. He was a guy I dated in high school and we ended it after I refused to have sex with him. I felt tears fill my eyes as he tore off my clothes and pushed me onto the ground, my head hitting the brick wall behind me.

"Long time, no see, sweetheart." He sneered and a sob just fell from my lips as I thrashed around, trying to get out of his hold.

"Please stop."


I sighed, hanging up my phone. I stared down at Brooklyn's contact picture and finally shut my phone off. I figured she was just running late at the studio. I've probably called her ten times since she usually picks up her phone. Looking over at the clock, I noticed that it was already eight o'clock. Brooklyn said she would be home at five.

I sighed, laying back on the couch and running a hand through my hair. I just need to chill out. I wandered to the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a piece of pizza, shoving the end into my mouth. God, I'm starving. I walked around the apartment, eating the pizza and someone knocked on the door. I swung it open and frowned at the police officer.

"Can I help you?" I wondered and the officer pulled out his notepad.

"Are you in relation to Brooklyn Cade? This is listed as her residence." He said and I nodded.

"I'm her boyfriend. Is everything okay?" My heart rate picked up as he sighed and I looked at him expectantly .

"Ms. Cade has been assaulted but she is fine. She's at the hospital, though."

I immediately shoved my shoes on and left the apartment. The police put his lights on so I could follow him and get to the hospital quickly. Once there, I sloppily parked and ran inside, seeing police officers outside of a room. I walked over and the stopped me before I could go in the room.

"I need to see Brooklyn Cade." I said and the officers rolled their eyes.

"Michael," I turned around to see Sammy sitting in one of the hospital chairs. "They won't let me back either."

"What happened?" I asked and Sammy frowned, running a hand through her hair.

"I don't know. All they said was that she was assaulted." She sighed and I leaned back in the chair.

"Brooklyn Cade?" Sammy and I both stood up as a doctor came out and he gave us a look. "Only one of you can go back seeing as neither of you are family."

"You can go." I told Sammy.

She followed the doctor and I sat back down. Whenever Brooklyn is upset or mad, she always calls Sammy. I knew that Sammy would want to see her first. I found out that when Brooklyn was in high school and her parents were being her parents, she would go to Sammy's house for days just to get away. I looked up as she came back out after a while and she was wiping tears.

"Um, Brooklyn wanted you to know that you can go home and that she'll be there later. I'm gonna drop her off when they release her." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" I practically demanded.

"She'll tell you later, alright? Just go home, Michael." She said and I sighed, finally leaving the hospital.

Once in my car, I hit the steering wheel out of pure anger. I don't get why she wants me to go home. I eventually pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the apartment, going inside. I plopped myself down on the couch and tugged at my short hair, groaning to myself. I leaned back and closed my eyes. We were up late last night so I was exhausted. I practically jumped out of my skin when the front door opened and I looked at the clock to see that it was ten.

"Brooklyn?" I asked as she came into view and she kept her arms around herself. "What happened?"

"Please don't." She whispered when I attempted to pull her into a hug.

She finally looked up from the floor and there was a large bruise under her eye and her lip was busted. I noticed the bruised shaped like fingers on her neck and my face fell when tears filled her eyes. Brooklyn brushed past me and went to the bedroom and I hesitantly followed, watching her sit on the bed and kick off her shoes, wincing when I sat down next to her.

She grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. I furrowed my eyebrows, seeing as she always just changes in the room. She came back out a moment later in a long sleeve shirt and leggings. Brooklyn climbed into the bed and got under the covers. I shut the light off and pulled off my jeans and shirt, getting in the bed.

I tried to scoot closer to her but she just turned over, moving to the very edge of the bed. What the hell happened to her?

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