
"I'm coming." I shouted as someone repeatedly knocked on my front door.

I jogged down the steps and to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open. A man was standing there with a box and he asked me to sign for it. I did and took the small box from his hands, going back inside. I frowned, seeing that it was from Brooklyn, and went to the kitchen counter.

I grabbed a knife and slit the tape open, tearing the flaps open only to reveal an envelope and another small box inside. I grabbed the little box and opened it to see the engagement ring I had given her a few months ago. I pulled out the note that was in the envelope and began reading.

Dear Michael,

I don't want to do this anymore. All of the breaking up and getting back together. It's exhausting for me to do every few months. When you left the other morning, it made me realize something. I don't need to put myself through this again. You've hurt me so many times and I keep forgiving you because I loved you.

I'm writing this letter to let you know that I'm done. I can't keep up with what you want and what I want. It's not fair to either of us. You are the first person I've ever really loved and everything I felt was real. Whoever you end up with is a really lucky girl. You're a really great guy, Michael. I just don't think our timing was right.


I finished reading the letter and a tear fell down my face. She's done with me. I shouldn't have left her that morning. God, I'm so stupid. Before I could stop myself, I was running to my car. I sped to Brooklyn's apartment complex and noticed her loading boxes into her car with Sammy. I quickly got out and ran over to her.

"I'll go get your suitcase." Sammy gave me a look and left us alone.

"Where are you going?" I breathed out and Brooklyn sadly smiled.

"I'm moving back home to America." She said and I shook my head.

"No, you can't move across the world." I stumbled over my words and Brooklyn shook her head, putting another box in her car.

"My flight is in an hour." She said. "Why are you here, Michael?"

"I got your letter." I blurted out. "I made a mistake."

"Yeah, you did." She rolled her eyes and tears filled my own as Sammy helped her load in the last suitcase.

"No, please don't leave." I made the move to grab her arm but Brooklyn stepped back. "Are you doing this because I left you that morning?"

"My god, not everything is about you, Michael!" She shouted. "Okay, my mom died so I'm going to help my dad."

"Why would you help him? All he was was a complete asshole to you." I said before my mind could catch up to my mouth. "No, please." I all but begged as she made the moved to get in the car.

"I have to go." She mumbled.

"I love you." I said and tears started falling from my eyes as she got in the car.

"Don't you dare say that." She said. "Do you know how much it killed me to wake up and find out that you had left? And a fucking post it not? Could you be any more inconsiderate? I trusted you and you left." Brooklyn finished and a small sob left my lips. "Now get out of my way so I can go."

"I'm sorry." I completely broke down and she just watched me as I cried. "Please don't leave me."

Brooklyn pulled out of the parking lot without replying and I walked to my car, getting in the drivers side. I cried and leaned my head on the steering wheel, sobs erupting from my throat. I haven't cried this hard in a long time. Someone knocked on my window and I looked up to see Sammy. I rolled my window down and she frowned.

"Quit crying." She rolled her eyes. "Okay, you screwed up. Live with it."

"Why do you hate me so much?" I wondered, wiping my face and getting out of my car. "What did I ever do to you?"

"You hurt my best friend." Sammy crossed her arms over her chest and I wanted to roll my eyes. "Brooklyn called me in tears the other day because she woke up and you weren't there. It kills me to see her so upset and you have done nothing but that. It's like you don't consider her feelings."

"You think I don't consider her feelings?" I wanted to laugh. "Brooklyn is the first person I've really cared about. And that scares me because one day she could up and leave me like nothing. I know I have made stupid decisions and I have no excuses for them."

"Why didn't you tell her then?" Sammy sighed and I groaned to myself. "Look, her plane leaves in half an hour. If you leave now, you can get to the airport before she goes through security."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Just go get back together. Brooklyn is happy with you and I want her happy." I couldn't help but smile. "Now go." Sammy laughed and pushed me towards my car.

I laughed and got in my car, not even bothering to buckle my seat belt. I sped out of the parking lot and tapped my fingers on the steering wheel as I got closer to the airport. I pulled to the place to park and did, sloppily stopping the car. I ran inside and towards the baggage drop off, trying to duck through people. I stood on my tip toes and finally gave up on searching. I jogged up to the desk and ignored the dirty looks from people behind me.

"Has the flight to New York left yet?" I breathed out, leaning myself against the counter and the woman at the desk cocked an eyebrow at me. "Please," I begged.

"I'm sorry, sir. It just took off." She gave me a frown as my face fell and I took a deep breath.

"Um, okay. Thanks." I walked away from the desk and was about to leave when I heard my name.


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