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"Alright, we are going to slow it down a bit." I breathed out, taking a drink of water. "This is called Truce by Twenty One Pilots."

I went and took my seat at the piano and took a deep breath, setting my fingers on the keys. This song always gets to me, even though I play it every night.

"Now, the night, is coming to an end, ooooh

The sun, will rise, and we will try again, ooooh

Stay alive, stay alive, for me.
You will die, but now your life, is free,

Take pride
In what is sure to die.

I will fear, the night again,
I hope, I'm not, my only friend.

Stay alive, stay alive, for me.
You will die, but now your life, is free.

Take pride

In what is sure to die."

I finished the song and sniffled to myself, standing up from the piano bench. Sammy caught my eye and gave me a small, reassuring smile and I just walked back over to my microphone. I slid my guitar on and ignored the girls concerned stares. I knew exactly what they were thinking.

Soon enough, the show ended and we went backstage, handing our manager our instruments. I sat down on the small leather couch and pulled my phone out, scrolling through the contacts. I found Seth's name and clicked on it, looking at the small picture of us from two years ago. My aunt had taken it of us at Christmas and it was the last picture I had of us.

"Hey, we're gonna go to a club if you wanna come." Cara broke me from my thoughts and I just shook my head.

"I'm gonna turn in early. You guys have fun." I reassured and stood up, grabbing my bag.

I left the room and walked down the corridor, to the van outside. I got in and Jim drove to the hotel, dropping me off out back. I went inside and sighed to myself at the small crowd of fans in the lobby. I put the hood up on my big jacket and pushed through the chaos, finding the elevator. Someone called for me to hold it so I pressed the button to hold the doors open.

"Thanks." I looked up to see an out of breath Michael Clifford, adjusting his hat. "Hey," He smiled and I just offered a weak one, pressing the small button with the three on it. "Did you just have a show?"

"Yeah," I replied, quietly, shaking my leg in hopes of the elevator going faster. Oh god, this is so awkward.

Before I knew it, the elevator made a loud beeping noise and it shook before coming to a halt in between floors. I furrowed my eyebrows and pressed the button again, trying to get it to go again. This can't be happening. No, no, no. Fuck.

"Well, looks like we're stuck." Michael said, plopping down on the floor and I looked at him, incredulously.

"We can't be stuck. I can't be stuck in here." I felt my breathing become shallow and I paced the small floor, trying to calm down.

"You're claustrophobic." Michael piped up and I narrowed my eyes at him. "You told me that last night."

"I don't fucking care what I told you last night. Can you call someone or something?" I breathed out and leaned against the wall, attempting to control my breathing.

"No service." He waved his phone and I groaned, tugging at my hair.

I finally gave up on thinking of ways to get out and sat down on the floor, tugging my knees to my chest. I leaned my head back on the wall and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. I pulled my phone out and there indeed was no service in here. At all.

"You left this morning." I looked over at Michael to see him staring at me. I just cocked an eyebrow and nodded. "You could of stayed. I would have taken you out to breakfast."

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled and tugged at my hoodie sleeves. "I, um, didn't want to bother you."

"Well, if you want, I'd like to take you out sometime." I think I almost choked.

"You want to take me out?" I could have laughed if it weren't for the serious look on his face.

"I had fun last night. And not just in my hotel room." I laughed a little and toyed with a loose string on my sleeve. "So, what do you say? If we ever get out of this hell box, we can go get some dinner."

I nodded and shyly looked down at my shoes. Michael and I started talking and I felt the panic of being in the elevator leave my body. I laughed as he told me a story about his band mates and I loosened up a bit more. I still felt awkward seeing as I hooked up with him last night, but Michael was really cool. He was just as awkward as me.

The elevator shook and the lights turned back on, making me look up. The numbers started moving and we finally landed on the third floor. Michael pressed the button to go to the lobby and we went back down, stepping out. I noticed that the crowd was still there and my breath hitched. Crowds have always made me nervous. Michael grabbed my hand and we both put our hoods up, dodging through the fans. We got outside and Michael tugged me down the sidewalk with a smile.

I followed him and he led me to a small restaurant on the corner. We went in and I put my hood down, smiling at the atmosphere of the comfy restaurant. We got a table for two in the back and Michael pulled my chair out, bowing. I couldn't help but laugh at his goofiness and he sat down across from me with a smile on his face.

"It's our first date, it's gonna be cheesy as hell." Michael laughed and I smiled.

"Bring it on, Clifford."

broken home ~m.c.~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें