I slowly opened my eyes and slightly panicked. This isn't my hotel room. I heard a snore behind me so I quickly got up from the bed only to see that I was naked. Fuck. I gathered my clothes and put them on, trying not to wake the other person in the bed. Seeing red hair, memories of last night came flooding back. I stepped into my shoes and left the room, quietly closing the door behind me.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I muttered to myself, trying to find the elevator.

I went down and once in the street, I pulled my phone out. I finally figured out that my hotel was only a couple blocks away. I began walking, trying to tame my hair and once there, I jogged up the steps to the third floor. I found the room that Sammy and I shared and knocked on the door. She opened it and tugged me in. I was greeted by the other girls smirking at me.

"Details, now." Annie demanded and I shrugged, setting my bag down.

"We just went and had a few drinks." I kept it simple and Cara rolled her eyes.

"Please," She scoffed. "You have hickeys and your hair is a hot mess." I felt my cheeks heat up and I raised a hand to my neck, wincing.

"Okay, maybe I went to his hotel." I trailed off and they all squealed, intensifying my headache. "It's not a big deal." I shrugged and sat down on my bed.

"Oh, it's a huge deal. You fucking slept with the Michael Clifford." Cara exasperated and I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay, well, I don't even remember half of it, so there isn't much to tell." I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling as they all laughed at me.

The girls finally left Sammy and I's room and I was left in silence, which I was grateful for. I curled up in the covers and closed my eyes, ready to get some much needed sleep. Playing shows every night is tough. Especially when I am in a different hotel room every night. It's difficult to be comfortable.

"Do you think you'll ever get together with him again?" Sammy asked from her side of the room and I shrugged, peeking an eye open.

"I doubt it. It was a one night stand. Nothing more, nothing less." I clarified and Sammy gave me a small smile. "He told me what you said to him on the phone."

"Whoops." Sammy giggled and I just laughed, rolling over in the bed, finally drifting to sleep.


"Brooklyn!" I groaned, rolling over in bed. "You have a letter."

"From who?" I mumbled into the pillow and suddenly the covers were being pulled off my body. "Quit."

"Time to get up." I now realized that it was Sammy. "Show starts in three hours. You need to shower."

"I'm up." I sat up in bed and an envelope was thrown at me.

I frowned, seeing that it was my mothers handwriting. I tore open the envelope and pulled out the familiar check. Roiling my eyes, I stuffed it in my journal with all of the other ones. I ignored Sammy's concerned gaze and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes off, cringing at the sight.

Hickeys adorned my chest and lower stomach along with finger sized bruises on my hips. I quickly got into the shower and washed my hair, ridding my body of the smell of vodka. I stood under the stream of water and took a deep breath. One simple piece of paper from my mom makes me freak out. I just need to chill. I finally pulled myself out of the shower and dried off, wrapping my hair up in the towel. I put on a fresh bra and pair of underwear, making my way out into the main room.

"What are you wearing tonight?" I asked Sammy and she pointed to the outfit she had on. It was skinny jeans and a tank top.

I rummaged through my bag and found a simple black dress. It was t-shirt material and short sleeve and came to my mid thigh. I tugged it on and walked back to the bathroom to dry my hair. I straightened it and did my normal makeup, consisting of heavy eyeliner and mascara. I slipped on some combat boots and bracelets, smiling a little at myself in the mirror.

"Ready, guys?" Annie poked her head in the room and I nodded, grabbing my phone.

We left the room and Sammy hooked her arm with mine as we walked down the hallway. I leaned into my best friend and we got to the lobby, finding Jim, our body guard. He led us to the van and got in the front seat, beginning the drive to the venue. We all joked around on the drive, the girls mainly teasing me about last night, and we finally got to the small place. I noticed fans lined up out front and we all waved at them through the window.

Once inside, we got our earpieces and instruments, forming a small circle. I put my hand in and they followed. We did our little pep talk that we have every show before getting in place. I saw the lights go down on the stage so Sammy walked out, hitting the drum. This is the best part of every concert. Annie shot me a smile and nod so we both walked out, finding our mics. Cara came out and I strummed my guitar, letting the amp carry out the sound.

"Now, I want to see everyone in here out of their seat and having the best time of their lives tonight. Can you all do that for us?" Sammy yelled into the microphone, causing the crowd to erupt.

Smoke filled the stage and our first song began, making me smile. Being on stage is so exhilarating and is honestly one of the happiest times I have. Doing what I love with my three best friends is something I never even dreamt of. God, I loved my job.

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